TPS7H4002-SP: Discoloration Issue 1 of 2

Part Number: TPS7H4002-SP


The full part number is TPS7H4002HKH/EM.  Have discoloration on their welds.

what the cause of discoloration could be and if it is safe to use as is?

  • Hi Robert,

    I just replied to your other post as well, but I will also put the same information here.

    There are two general reasons why discoloration can happen with units:
    1. Oxidation

    2. Salt in the atmosphere.

    In either case, TI has done testing on discolored units and they have passed lead-fatigue/solderability tests.
    Our stance is that discolored units do not impact package integrity, lead integrity, or solderability degradation.


  • Thanks Sarah.  I'll feed this information to our customer.
