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TVP5151 connection with OMAP4460 through Parallel video data to MIPI CSI-1 interface

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5151, TVP5150, SN65LVDS315

Hi Folks,

I want to connect Analog CVBS video input to OMAP4460. So I decided to use TVP5151video decoder for Analog to Digital(Parallel data) conversion. Then I convert the parallel digital video data to MIPI CSI-1 through SN65LVDS135 serializer to connect it with OMAP4460.

I decide to use 8-bit Raw video output data (with HS and VS)  mode  of video decoder to connect with serializer.

From HW connection wise I am not seeing any issue but I have doubt on Video decoder output format and serializer input for compatibility.

So can you guys please check and confirm that TVP515 can be use with SN65LVDS135 serializer without any issue for 8-bit Raw data mode?


Hitesh Gambhava

  • I think you need to check the SN65LVDS135 capabilities and its compatibility with the OMAP input. This would be better asked in either the high speed serial forum or the OMAP forums.

    The TVP output format is extremely well defined and a standard, hence ther eis not really any scope to change it.

    I could not find any information on SN65LVDS135 so could not check.



  • Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your quick response.

    I checked compatibility between OMAP and SN65LVDS135.  I want to check the compatibility between TVP5151 and SN65LVDS135.

    SN65LVDS135 supports below data types to its input :

             -- YUV 422 Image data, YUV 420 image data, RGB888 image data, RGB565 image data and Raw bayer 8-bit image data.

    So, my query is that can TVP515 supports any one of above output mode ? ( From data sheet, come to know that TVP5151 outputs Raw bayer data but not getting much details in this front . So to clarify my doubt I asked this question.)


    Hitesh Gambhava

  • The TVP outputs YUV422 since this is fundamentally the color format of both ITU656 and ITU601. The TVP5151 does NOT output raw Bayer.

    Forget the color coding for the moment though, if you are not getting anything at all then the sync signals are most likely your issue.

    Once you have the syncs correct and you get SOMETHING displayed you can then check the color format.

    I can't comment much further since I don't have access to the 135 datasheet.



  • Hi Steve,

    We are in design phase right now. We have not designed board(PCB) yet. Just want to clarify our design.

    BTW.... from data sheet of TVP5151, shows it supports Raw video output mode. Please refer 3.10 section of below datasheet link.

    I have also attached SN65LVDS135 data sheet. It is really great help if you could clarify our doubt.



    Hitesh Gambhava

  • This mode will not help you since it is literally the raw AtoD output and will have none of the color demodulation processing performed.

    Note, raw output from a CVBS decoder is nothing like raw output from a CMOS sensor.



  • Ahh, the device is 315, not 135 :) No wonder I couldn't find it.

    I think the issue is more an OMAP question and how it interprets the CSI data.

    The TVP will output either ITU601 data (no embedded syncs) or ITU656 (with embedded syncs). One issue here though is that the output of the TVP will be interlaced but the 315 does not have the ability to transfer the FID signal discretely. It will accept H & V though.

    What you MIGHT be able to do is configure the TVP to ITU656 mode and enable the H & V signals too. In this case the 315 will send the embedded sync ITU656 stream to OMAP where it will be necessary to check and order the fields in software.

    You cannot use the raw mode from the TVP unless your video source is monochrome, and even then you will still have the field issue.

    Finally, the 315 uses 0xFF codes for synchronization (as does ITU656) but the sequences are different so there may be issues trying to send ITU656 streams over this CSI link.

    This may be possible but I don't think it is a simple issue. It certainly is not a TVP5150 question though so I suggest re-phrasing the question and posting to the high speed serial forum. Your question is basically "Can I send interlaced video over the CSI link with the 315?"



  • Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your support.

    I will move this thread to high speed serial forum.

    One final question, may be it silly but I want to clear my doubt. Can we use TVP5151 output in BT.601 (YCbCr 422 ) without FID signal to connect it with SN65LVDS315?


    Hitesh Gambhava

  • If you do not use FID then you will not be able to determine which field is which.

