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i am trying to get the conversion data in continuous conversion mode. But i think what are said (page 19 - AFE4300 Data Sheet) about Data Ready (RDY) in 2 sections: Data Output, Data Ready, and what is showed in Figure12 dont match each other? So the RDY pin will be low during the conversion, be high when data is ready to read? And what is the 8us time?
Thank you,
I think the descriptions under Data output and Data ready sections match with Figure 12.
In continuous conversion mode, the RDYn pin goes low for 8us to indicate the end of conversion and then goes high to denote the beginning of the next conversion.
The processor is expected to read the ADC data from the ADC Output register on the falling edge of the RDYn signal in both single-shot conversion and continuous conversion modes.
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I agree that the description under Data Ready could be considered as "match" to Figure 12, if a "pulse" is understood as a signal goes low then goes high again (usually understood as it goes high then low).
But the part under Data Output: "In Read Data Continuous mode, RDY goes low when conversion data are ready, and goes high 8 μs before the data ready signal." --> i think it means the "goes high" HAPPENED 8us BEFORE something else (here is "the data ready signal"), but doesn't mean the RDY signal keeps low in 8us.
Above is just my thought while reading the data sheet. Your reply implies that once the RDY starts going low (for 8us), the data can be read immediately?
I just got a new question, also relevant to the data ready: if right after RDY goes low, i turn off ADC so no new conversion is executed, then will RDY go high again or keep low?
Thank you.
If you try to turn off the ADC right at the point RDY goes low, that will very difficult to do. What you can do that will be easier is just to turn off the ADC and monitor RDY to see if it ever goes back high. You don't need to turn off the ADC at the exact moment RDY goes low.
So in order to get the correct result, do i need to care about RDY, or can just wait for conversion finished and read data from ADC_DATA_RESULT?
And as i understand, continuous-conversion mode is NOT different to single-shot mode if you just do one conversion and turn off BCM, am i correct?
Both in single-shot mode or continuous conversion mode, the processor can be interrupted on the falling edge on the RDY pin to issue serial command to read the ADC data.