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i am using the ads8330 in data logger.
i have interfaced theadc to mcu through the SPI mode in manual trigger and manual channel select mode with that i am unable to get the data from another channel please tell us what may be the problem and how to do that .
on the data sheet to get data on the two channels it is mentioned that to choose the auto trigger and auto channel select with the tag bit
but with this settings i am unable to use spi (at max only 16 bit spi support from my MCU) so i need to go for the dsp mode where i need to toggle one pin for clocking and another 2 pins for the data read and write .
but with this method i am unable to receive the data i.e. either configuration settings value or the converted value from the adc .
So for this what is the bit i need to send first whether LSB or MSB
Hello Kumar,
The ADS8330 should easily communicate with a 16bit SPI peripheral. What clock polarity and phase were configured in this peripheral?
Regarding channel selection, the first transferred 3 bits should be 0, and then 4th bit is the one that determines the channel. This is shown in Table 3 page 30 of the datasheet.
BTW, could you send us design schematic to check how the ADS8330 connects to the MCU?