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Hi all,
I'm thinking about prototyping a direct-conversion spectrum analyzer for a scientific application using an I/Q mixer front end and the ADC08D1520RB reference board. Before purchasing a board to try out, I have a couple of questions:
1. What sort of FFT does WaveVision5 compute in non-DES 2-channel (I/Q) mode? Will I be able to separate sidebands as SI + i SQ and SI - i SQ, or might WaveVision do this already with I/Q data?
2. Does the current version of WaveVision provide access to the full (750 MHz) Nyquist bandwidth of this board?
Many thanks,
Scott Paine
Hi Scott
1) In this device mode the I and Q channel data are each processed separately into a single sided FFT spectrum. The attached document shows how to configure the GUI settings to see both spectrums in one plot so they both update when new captures are performed.
FFT processing ADC08D1520RB.pdf
2) Yes the full 750 MHz bandwidth (of each I and/or Q channel) is available.
Best regards,
Jim B