I am considering using the ADS1246 for a new thermocouple design. Calibration of this new product will be infrequent and I would like to maintain accuracy as much as possible over temperature and time. The ADS1246 datasheet says that it has 3 calibration modes: system gain calibration, system offset calibration and self offset calibration. I am unable to use the system calibrations as there will be no external reference available. Thus it seems that the only calibration that could be performed with temperature or time changes is self-offset calibration.
A competing product is the AD7793 from Analog Devices. This part states that it has 4 calibration modes, the 3 mentioned above and also internal Full-scale calibration. With this part it appears that I can do both offset and gain calibration at any temperature or time. This is quite appealing for my particular application. However, there are features of the ADS1246 that also appeal to me, including higher sample rate.
The AD7793 datasheet does not contain a lot of information about how internal Full-scale is performed across all gains. I am wondering whether TI has anything to say about this feature and why, for example, the ADS1246/7/8 does not include it? Perhaps it is not very accurate? Can you provide any advice on this matter?
I would be happy to continue the discussion off post.