I am testing on ADS1292R EVM with ADS1x9xEVM.exe running on a PC.
I have connected a 3.3V 4MHz clock signal (generated by a microcontroller) to pin 17 of ADS1292R.
I changed the System Frequency Selection to ExternalClock/16 on the LOFF and RLD tab page.
Then I selected CONTINOUS button on the Analysis -> Scope tab page.
Now data is being collected and displayed continuously.
When I connected pin 14 (pulled up to 3.3V by R17) of ADS1292R to ground, the display and data collection simply stopped.
When I disconnected pin 14 from ground, data continued to be collected and displayed.
I know the frequency for external clock has to be 4.096MHz. But could it be the reason for the problem? Thank you.