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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7341C, ADCPRO, ADS1281

We need to exploit a data acquisition system of 15 channels , the isolation voltage between these channels   is greater than 100V and less than 2000V, the sampling rate is 500Hz. The  iso7341c is used to  isolat between these channels   ,then comunicate to the arm.

1、we  download the ADCPro Launcher "adcpro-wlvrt-2.0.1.exe"and "ads1281-adcproplugin-2.0.0.exe",after installing,the interface of the sofeware is"DSP not ready";

if we need to have an external +/-10V and 6V connected to the EVM/motherboard ;

how to  connect the pins of the power  ;

2、Please provide the diagram of the MMB0 board ;

3、Please provide the software program of the TMS320VC5509APGE in the MMB0;

4、If  the other motherboard(similar to MMB0) can match ADS1281EVM ;

5、please point out the position of SPI interface of the MMB0 which can link to arm;

  • Hi,

    You can find information about the external supplies in the ADS1281EVM-PDK User Guide. The +/-10V supplies can be attached to J14 according to Figure 7 on page 11. Without this supply, the software driver will not load and the EVM cannot be used with ADCPro.

    Here is a link to the MMB0 schematic:

    I would note that there's is no other documentation available about the schematic and firmware for the MMB0. We use this platform as a method for demonstrating a wide variety of out products and we do not consider this platform a reference design. It it not supported as a separate board, only as a means to communicate with the ADC EVMs. I'm not sure if the firmware is available for distribution. If it is, I'll post back with information.

    I'm not aware of any other motherboard that has been used to evaluate the ADS1281. While I'm sure that it can be done, I don't know of any reference design or firmware that I can point you to.

    If you are asking about the pin communications used to talk to the ADS1281, Look at the ADS1281EVM-PDK user guide and find the schematic on page 28. You can trace back the SCLK, DOUT, DIN, and /DRDY pins from the device to the pin header for J5 of the EVM. This connects to the header J4 on the MMB0. This can be traced back through some level shifters back to the DSP.

    Joseph Wu
  • Thank you for your answer .
    Can you provide the software program of the DSP(TMS320VC5509APGE )in the MMB0;
    We want to link the board to the arm ,which requires the SPI interface .If we need to transfer the USB to SPI interface of the MMB0.
  • Hi,

    Take a look at this post to see if it helps you:

    Joseph Wu
  • “Access DeniedYou do not have permission to view/download this item”
  • Would you provide the Demo program of the ADS1281 to us ? Thank you for your help.
  • Hi,

    We have certain rules about giving out source code. I'm trying to work through some of those issues right now, but it might not be possible to get you the original code for the EVM.

    I'll get back to you next week to see if I can help.

    Joseph Wu