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AFE4300 measurement issue: ready Never low and other
I am using an MSP430F2234 uC. I am trying to measure my on board 100R and 1k reference resisotr and a thirsd resisor using the code I have pasted in the end of my message.
The RDY signal is always constant and at VDD. I am performing both one shot and continuous measurements and I see no change at RDY.
Is there a way to set the gain of the recording amplifier for the impedance measurements?
By connecting a resistor t in series with the capacitor between pin 19 and 20, the resistor allows the control of the injected current, correct? What is the smallest current we can inject in the way?
What does ADC SPS change? How should one choose the setting for the ADC conversion rate? The signal being converted is DC, right?
Thank you.
Here is the code I am using, I have copied most from the code you supply.
#include <msp430.h>
static unsigned int ADCVal[6]; // holds 1st ADC result