I am using ADC16v130 in my design. I have given provision to see spectrum at the input of ADC. I am using ADC clock of Fs=40.5 MHz. When I see the spectrum at the ADC input, clock is present at multiple of 40.5 MHz. Screen shot is attached. M1 =4*Fs, D1= M1 - 5*Fs
When I am given input to signal of 70 MHz pure sinusoidal signal, and I see the spectrum at the ADC input, 70 MHz is present in each nyquist zone. Screen shot is attach. Marker M1 = input signal, M2 = 4*Fs, M3 = 5*Fs, M4 = input singal in 9th Nyquist zone, M5= input singal in 10th Nyquist zone
Ideally, adc input signal is present in each nyquist zone after ADC, i.e if we plot fft of ADC data, signal will be present in each Nyquist zone but i am seeing this at the input of ADC.
Is it normal or something issue with the my Layout ?