We are using an ADS7952 to measure a few voltages. We have noticed a behavior where the input signal is offset with 30mV in the first sample. Consecutive measurements are correct.
We have buffered the MUX with the following circuit.
We are measuring the same channel multiple times (using auto 1 mode). Ch4 (green) shows the CS signal and Ch1 (yellow) shows the output from the MXO pin. The input signal to the channel is 0V during the whole series of samples.
The first sample shows about 30mV offset. The other samples shows the correct value, but the MXO pin bounce back to the 30 mV offset for about 80 us after the sampling.
If we stop reading values from the ADC, the MXO output will return to show this offset after about 200ms. Meaning the next time we sample, we will have the offset again.
In this example, we have only sampled one channel, but we see the same problem if we sample different signals using the mux. The first value will always be offset and incorrect.
We are running the ADS7952 with 5V and a reference of 2.5V. Inputs are set to use a 5V range.
What is causing this offset?