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ADS1158 source code

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1158, ADCPRO, ADS1258

i recently purchased ADC1158EVM PDK and wanted source-code to communicate with this ADC. Please provide me with codes.

Thank You

  • Nischal,

    Normally, the ADS1158EVM-PDK uses ADCPro software and the ADS1158 plugin to communicate with the board through the USB connection of your computer. Is that what you are looking for?

    You should go to this page and get the ADCPro users guide and the Software installation guide:

    Then you can download ADCPro from this link:

    Once you've installed the software, then you can get the ADS1158EVM plugin

    If you're looking for more, I'm sorry but we aren't allowed to just give out the original firmware code anymore and I'm not aware of any existing code that might be available to you.

    Joseph Wu
  • hey Joseph,

    Thanks for the reply,.

    My problem is i am using the same motherboard MMB0 but my own board containing ADS 1158 chip and various component to connect it to sensors and get data from it..i used ADS1158 EVM  as you said before and was able to get all the data but i want to do that using my board which was designed in Eagle n implemented.. I tried to connect through SPI interface from my board to the motherboard.. I connected SCLK, DIN, DOUT CS and GND from my board to the motherboard but i got an error saying DSP not error occured with error code 6070 libmmb0.lvlib:EEPROM . unable to read EEPROM.

    Can you tell me where i am going wrong and what is the procedure if i want to connect my own board with ADS1158 to the motherboard.

    Thank YOU

  • Nischal,

    On the EVM, there is an EEPROM chip that ADCPro reads from to verify the EVM being used is compatible with the plug-in.

    You can try to disable verification by finding C:\Program Files (x86)\ADCPro\plugins\evm\ADS1258\adcpro_evm.ini and changing the 9th line from "EEPROMVerify=TRUE" to "EEPROMVerify=FALSE".

    Note that I've never tried this, but it may work.

    Joseph Wu
  • Yes tried now shows EVM/HW incompatible..any alternative??

    Would you also provide me with a detailed circuit diagram of ADS1158 EVM

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Nischal,

    You can find a schematic of the ADS1158EVM near the end of the EVM User's Guide, found here:  

    You may need to check the state of other pins, such as /PWDN and /RST. Likely the MMB0 is having trouble communicating with the ADS1158.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Chris,

    Thank you for the schematics,

    As you said we tried to connect PWDN, RST,all SPI and DRDY to the MMB0 but still it shows the same..EVM/HW incompatible

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Nischal,

    There isn't a problem when you connect to the ADS1158EVM, correct?

    ADCPro will only show the "EVM/HW incompatible" message if either:
    A) It cannot connect to the MMB0
    B) It cannot read the EEPROM and the adcpro_evm.ini file is configured with "EEPROMVerify=TRUE"

    Go back and double check your C:\Program Files (x86)\ADCPro\plugins\evm\ADS1158\adcpro_evm.ini file....It may still have "EEPROMVerify=TRUE" configured.

    (Normally, Windows does not allow me to directly edit this file. You may need to copy it to your desktop, make the changes, then copy it back into C:\Program Files (x86)\ADCPro\plugins\evm\ADS1158\, making sure to overwrite the old file.)

    ...If that doesn't solve the issue then the problem, then one of your connections to the MMB0 may be preventing ADCPro from communicating with the MMB0. (Double check that you've connected the MMB0's ground to the ground on your PCB, I've forgotten this before when jumper wiring to the MMB0 and had issues).

    Best Regards,
  • Hey Chris,

    I did with the EEPROM and changed it to FALSE as suggested by joseph before. I am connecting the ground from board to the  J5.5 as i am using digital ground input and i am powering my board with J5.9 as my board is designed for 3.3V. But still i am getting not compatible.
    I also tried with ADS1258 PDK plugin in the software but still was the same. I am not understanding this what could possibly be wrong

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Nischal,

    Would you be able to send me a schematic of your board, with some indication of how you're connecting it to the MMB0?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    Since it is a Research and Development project from the company i am not supposed to send the schematics in public can i get your E mail ID through which i can explain more about our board.

    Thank you

  • Hi Nischal,

    Certainly. You can email me at

    Best Regards,