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ADS1263 EVM dsp not ready

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADCPRO, ADS1263


I am having a problem with the MMB0 revision D eval board and the ADS1263 connecting to ADCPro. I have loaded ADCPro first, then installed appropriate drivers as stated in instructions and as errors occurred tried installing the drivers manually as was stated in many posts in the e2e forum. Then tried supplying the board with +5/-5v still same error. Then supplied board with +10/-10V to +va and -va and +5/-5 volts to board. 

The manual drivers were from this page

ADCPro version 2.0.1

OS is Windows 7 enterprise

steps that make it through --> Locating binary file-->reading binary file-->usb connection established-->no firmware found...downloading-->download successful-->DSP not ready...retrying

At this point a popup shows up and says a firmware load has failed due to a timeout condition. Please reset the hardware to continue loading the firmware.

I have powered down the board and the pc several times to see if this is the problem both to no benefit.

Thanks in advance,


  • Sam,

    This could be a driver problem. Read over this post and see if this helps:

    Joseph Wu
  • Joseph,

    First I want to say thanks for the quick response, but I am still having issues the driver in that post does not work for my system, its a 64 bit, (not sure if that's the issues but it won't install). Then I forgot to mention in the initial post that at first the board shows up in device manager as NI-VISA usb devices then once it gets to the DSP not ready...retrying it stays as this device. Earlier it was completely disappearing from device manager. As I have seen in other posts shouldn't it change to either not recognized or switch over to the USBStyx driver? Also sorry if these are poor questions, this is my first experience with TI's evaluation boards.

    Thanks again,

  • Sam,

    Just to check, did you try to download and install the 64 bit version of the drivers? It can be found in this folder:

    If this doesn't help, can you go through what happens when you start it up? It might help post a pic of the device manager as it's going through the startup.

    To be honest, I don't cover a lot of ADCPro questions, and I'll probably rely on some help from some colleagues after you post back.

    Joseph Wu
  • Joseph,

    Yes I have tried to install the 64 bit driver (the link you have in your post for some reason didn't work on my end) the one I installed is at this address:

    The driver appears to install completely no error messages show up that I am aware of.

    I am on my home computer but will be able to post some images tomorrow morning at around 8 am MST. The steps that I take are connect power, then usb then start ADCPro. Next click on evm load the evm126x plugin(sorry if evm126x is the wrong name I am going off memory since I am not currently at the computer), then wait and in ADCPro underneath the tab options it displays Locating binary file-->reading binary file-->usb connection established-->no firmware found...downloading-->download successful-->DSP not ready...retrying and at this point it times out after a while and then displays the error dialog box.


    Just now got logged in I have tried earlier but the server must have been busy. Here are the images of ADCPro and device manager first is when the plugin is first clicked on then second is the one where it times itself out and the device disappears from device manager.

  • Hi Sam,

    If you've re-installed the USBStyx driver using an Admin account, then you should have the driver files on your PC, but Windows may not have made the correct association between the USB device and the driver files. You can attempt to manually install/associate the driver using the following procedure:

    First Run ADCPro and load the ADS126xEVM plugin to try to connect to the EVM. Once you get the timeout error, go to device manager and look at the list of devices. Click on the "View" menu and then select "Show hidden devices". Search for an unknown USB device in the list...

    Right click on the device and look at its "Properties". From the "Details" tab you should be able to look at the "Hardware Ids" property and see if it has a VID # of 0451 and PID # of 5718, as shown below:

    If you see these numbers, then you've found the correct USB device. From here you can try to manually install the USB driver by going back to the "Driver" tab and clicking "Update Driver", as shown below.


    Tell Windows to "Browse..." for the driver, then click "Let me pick from a list..." on the next screen, click "Show all Devices" then click "Next". Finally, click "Have Disk" and navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\ADCPro\pdk_lib\libmmb0\Styx\usbstyx_drivers\usbstyx.inf" (if you installed ADCPro somewhere else, then then base folder may be different).

    Finishing installing this driver and try reconnecting to the EVM.


    Let me know if that helps!

    Best Regards,

  • So this is the part that is confusing to me since as about the time it displays dsp not ready the ni-visa device disappears and with hidden devices shown no unknown device shows up. Looking through each device in the universal serial bus controllers there is only one that is near the same id but it shows up as a hub so I don't think that is the correct device and it also is not an unknown device. Attached is an image of the hardware id that matches the closest.


  • Hi Sam,

    That's not it, both numbers need to match...

    It may not necessarily show up under the "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" category it could be in another sub-category. What is the sub-category that begins with "Non-"; that category wasn't there in your previous screenshots.

    ...Usually, re-installing the USBStyx driver takes care of this for you. Did you run the driver installers as an Admin? Also, Windows may block driver installations if the driver isn't signed. You might try reinstalling the USBStyx driver with signature verification of drivers disabled. Reference:

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the quick response, the "Non-" category is a non-plug and play attached is a image of all that is in it. I am installing as admin, but for the driver just to make sure I am using the correct one the address is below, is this correct?


    Any other ideas? ( Is there a way to post images when pressing reply? or does it need to post then go back and edit the post as I have done?)


  • Chris,

    One other quick note, we do have another mmb0 board here in the lab and I tried it and end up with the same results of it timing out at same point dsp not ready.

  • Hi Sam,

    Okay, I was just curious about that sub-category, but that doesn't look applicable.

    (To add pictures to your post you must use the rich-text editor and click on the "Insert/Edit Media" button. If you just copy and paste the image into the text editor, it may show up in the editor, but it will not get attached to the post).


    One more thing you could check on is to see if Windows has made a driver association in the Registry...

    If you open the Start menu, type "regedit.exe" and hit enter you can look at the register. Windows stores USB driver associations in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Enum -> USB. You should see a folder named "VID_0451&PID_5718":

    Did you get the USBStyx drivers from the TI FTP site under the ".../pub/data_acquisition/ADCPro2/misc/drivers/" folder? (Unfortunately non-http links don't show up or link correctly in E2E). You tried installing both versions, right? (If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows, it should only let you install the 64-bit driver version).

    Did Windows Security give you the option to install the unsigned driver, like so?

    I might try uninstalling and reinstalling the 64-bit driver again. To uninstaller the driver, go to Add/Remove Programs and search for "MMB0 Driver Installer":

    Other than reinstalling the driver automatically with the FTP download, or manually through the Device manager, I don't have any other alternative solutions.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Chris,

    So looking through the registry folder I did not see the folder labeled "VID_0451&PID_5718", then yes on the location of the driver install, and then the popups on windows security show up to display the installation of the unsigned driver, it pops up twice in a row, and each time I click install driver software anyway. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver to end up with the same result. Is there any other way that I may be messing something up? Or possibly a way that hasn't been tried.

    Thanks again,

  • Hi Sam,

    If you're missing that registry entry then my guess is that Windows is not letting to install the driver. You may need to force it to allow installation of unsigned drivers (see link in a previous post). 

    There is one other means of installing the should have the following file on your PC (I think it got added when you installed ADCPro):

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ADCPro\pdk_lib\libmmb0\Styx\usbstyx_drivers\installer\Output\setup.exe

    This is another driver installer that you could try to run. Perhaps this installer will have better success than the one from the FTP site.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Sam,

    Another idea...Have you tried installing ADCPro, the ADS126xEVM plugin, and the MMB0/USBSytx driver on another computer?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Chris,

    So right about the time you had posted we were trying it on another machine, interestingly enough it worked first time. So I am not entirely sure why but for some reason the computer I am on does not seem to find it, do you have any suggestions as to why? I tried uninstalling ADCPro completely and reinstalling it and the plugins but it still times out at the same point, dsp not ready...retrying. The computer we tried it on is in use by another guy in the lab and I don't want to break his workflow to get the testing done that I want to do.



  • Hi Sam,

    Interesting! My best guess is that the other PC has some Windows security setting which is rejecting the driver (due it being unsigned, or perhaps some other reason). Did you ever try disabling the driver signature verification in Windows? Others who have used ADCPro in Windows 8 or 10 have had to disable this feature.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Chris,

    Yes I have sorry I hadn't put that in the post that I tried that, I did it through the run command as stated in the link you had posted but with this set as stated it still had the popup of something like "unsigned driver, install anyway?". Is there a better or alternate way to do this?

    Thanks again,


  • Hi Sam,

    You may need to run the command line in admin mode (even if you are an admin, Windows may still default to running applications as a local user for security).

    Additionally, you could try editing the Windows Policy settings, as described here:

    On my PC, "Code signing for device drivers" is set to "Not configured":

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Chris and Joseph,

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the help, I still am not sure what the problem is, for some reason the computer would not even display the unknown device. I ended up just switching to a different machine and again about 15 minutes later had it working. So I will do my testing on the other computer, I will mark this as answered since the problem is not with the board but rather the computer.


  • Hi Sam,

    I'm sorry for your inconvenience but glad you were finally able to get the software running... I wish I knew why that machine wouldn't work either to perhaps be able to improve our software!

    Best Regards,
  • I have disconnected other USB devices(USB modem) from PC and ADS1263EVM started to work correctly. 

  • Hi Rustam,

    Thanks for sharing your solution!

    Best Regards,