Hi All.
I'm searching for low power precision DAC with good stability, low glitch and low noise performance. I've found that DAC855x DAC856x family is quite what I need. However while examining personal datasheets several question appeared:
1) All named DAC consists of upper divider resistor and lower string section with same total resistance followed by fixed gain 2 amplifier. Value of upper resistor (and total string resistance) for all models except DAC8562/3 is 62 kOhm. For DAC8562/3 value is 170 kOhm. Gain 2 amplifier in all DACs except DAC8562/3 feedback is formed by two equal resistors valued 50 kOhm while in DAC8562/3 by 150 kOhm resistors.
Is it true that DAC8562/3 resistors value are different from other family member ones?
2) Values for NSD at zero scale for DAC8562/3 and some other named chips looks too optimistic. Gain 2 amplifier having 150 kOhm valued resistor in feedback could not produce NSD lower than 70 nV/√Hz while figures 45 and 46 of datasheet provide its value dropped below 15 nV/√Hz. Lower noise may occur if amplifier is in saturation region but in this case NSD data has no sense and is invalid. Mid scale and Full scale NSD at fig. 45 look adequate at frequencies higher 1/f corner: estimation gives resistors noise at output 95 and 101 nV/√Hz while figure provide values of 102 and 111 nV/√Hz. Such too optimistic ZS NSD also found in other datasheets (DAC8564/5). DAC8568 include more realistic NSD data for zero scale with 90 nV/√Hz at 1kHz.
Is Zero Scale NSD in (DAC8562/3/4/5) datasheets accurate or not?
3) DAC8562/3 NSD data go to 1000 nV/√Hz at 10 Hz. While having 1uV of noise density at 10Hz one could not obtain 2.5 uV p-p noise in 0.1..10Hz bandwidth - even in case of white noise it should be 20 uVp-p. So 1/f corner at NSD figure looks not really existing and NSD value is suggested to be below 200 nV/√Hz at 10 Hz if 2.5uVp-p value in 0,1..10Hz bandwidth is true.
Is NSD at 10 Hz really below 200 nV/√Hz or is LF noise significantly higher than 2.5 uVp-p?
4) DAC8562/3 NSD for Full Scale code with external reference applied is according to figure 45 approximately 110 nV/√Hz. DAC8550/2/4/5 have 3 times lower valued resistors in string/buffer section so DAC noise is suggested to be lower than for DAC8562/3. However DAC8550/2/4/5 datasheets have no NSD and LF noise data in characteristics section but NSD obtained from typical characteristics figure value is 170 nV/√Hz at 1kHz for all chips. I suggest that this is not characteristic of DAC chips but of some unnamed reference used in setup.
In this case what is real noise performance of DAC8550/2/4/5 with external reference noise excluded?
5) In my assumption I suppose that all named chips (DAC8550/2/4/5, DAC8560/2/3/4/5/8) have same converter unit and differs only by presence or absence of internal reference (855x vs 856x), number of channels (1/2/4/8), possibility of power-on reset to ZS or MS and to select gain=1 or 2. If it is true I suppose having equal analog performance in equal condition (same external reference, power etc). However datasheets characteristic vary between chips. This apply not only to noise characteristics I described before but to glitch performance, thermal drifts and so on.
Could I expect equal analog performance (INL does not matter; only thermal and long-term stability, noise, glitch taken into account) from any chip from list (DAC8550/2/4/5, DAC8560/2/3/4/5/8) or does some chips from this list have optimized design that really gives better parameters (stability, noise, glitch)?
Best regards.