I have previously tried ADS1231 with one load cell and took the readings through an Arduino micro-controller, and the result was very stable and no problem at all.
Then I started using a ADS1234 ADC to measure weight through 4 load cells. I am using Arduino micro-controller to read data from ADS1234. Unfortunately the values coming through each load cell jump all over the place and I don't get consistent readings. I was hoping if someone could help me on this matter.
I am using the following load cell:
Model: YZC-133
Rated Load: 10Kg /22lb
Rated Output: 1±0.15mV/V
Input Resistance: 1066 ± 20 Ohm
Output Resistance: 1000 ± 20 Ohm
Insulation Resistance: 2000 Ohm
Safety Overload: 120%F.S
Recommend Excitation Voltage: DC 5V
Max Excitation Voltage: DC 10V
Cable Length: 240mm/ 9.4 inch
Since the cable length was short for me, I soldered an extra 1 meter of wire for each Supply,Vout+,Vout-,GND. Then I hooked up the wires to ADS1234.
I read and followed the following document that points out kelvin sensing(six wire bridge) configuration, but still didn't work for me:
Then I read and followed page 21 of the following document that advises to have capacitors across the Vout+, and Vout- lines, but still didn't help me at all:
I am using internal crystal of ADS1234, with 10SPS and PGA = 128, and I'm implementing everything on a bread board. I am supplying 5VDC to ADS1234 and load cells through a voltage regulator and powering the Arduino through it internal voltage regulator. So, AVDD and DVDD have separate supply sources.
Working with ADS1231 was easy, but somehow I cannot use ADS1234. Could please help me and point out what am I doing wrong?
If you need any more info please let me know.