Hello Team,
One of our customers has some misunderstanding in writing coefficient memory block into coefficient RAM on the AFE5809 device. I’ll very appreciate you for some clarification:
Writing decimation filter coefficients to coefficients RAM consist of multiple writes of coefficient memory blocks to SPI address 0xC7. SPI address 0xC7 defined as a 112 bit word which is divided on 8 word of 14 bits each.
Single SPI cycle access of AFE5809 consists of 24 bits which are 8 bit register address and 16 bit data.
So what is the correct way write 112 bit to 0xC7 register using 24 bit SPI cycle:
- 8 SPI cycles access to 0xC7 register with SPI data consisting of [15..14] dummy bits and 14 bit [13..0] filter coefficient. ( bits 14 and 15 will be discarded by AFE5809 internal logic)
- 7 SPI cycle access to 0xC7 register with SPI data consisting of [15..2] coefficient data of one coefficient and two bits [1..0] from the following coefficient
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,