In my project, I am using ads1293 to sample ecg signal. Some of the happenings, I would like to share and asking your kind help. They are:
1. I configure the ads1293(main features) in high resolution, high sampling frequency(204.8khz), with R1=4, R2=8 and R3= 32.As such, ODR=200Hz, BW=40Hz, ADCmax = 0x800000. And using CH1 and CH2 for ECG measurements..
2. First, I set the ads1293 in test mode( zero test signal) and read the adc output. The out put not exact but near to the expected value(1/2 adcmax). Then I apply the positive DC Test signal and read the adc out put, again, not exact but near the expected value. Then I set the channel address to read the actual ecg signal. And my observations are as below:
3. I read lead I and lead II. For lead I, the readings are far below the expected value. Even lower than the zero test signal readings. For lead II, the values are bit better but still in the lower range. Just above the zero test signal readings. I know, lead I is a weak one but I am getting values which represent less than zero volt! Lead II readings should have been better too.
4. Say, I am collecting 1000 samples. May be first few hundreds reading are like above, then the rest samples values are a constant value like 16,772,215. That is all the 24 bits are set to 1(all ones)!.
I am really stuck with the above problems. Any help/suggestion is highly appreciated. Regards.