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MSC1210Y3: How to read MSC1210Y3 configure value?

Part Number: MSC1210Y3
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSC1210

I want to read its' configure information(start address 70h,16bit) in flash programming mode,but I can't read directly,I must program the rbi_flashutility_nghrbi.hex to flash and no power off,continue, I send ASCII F70 with seiral terminal,the terminal will display the true value.

so can you give me some advice to read  configure information directly?

  • Hi Yong,

    Welcome to the E2E forum! The MSC1210 family of devices has limited support and no new development has taken place in 10 years.  If this is a new project I would suggest moving to one our more current devices in the MSP430 or MSP432 families.

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you are flashing the MSC1210 and want to read back the hardware configuration.  If this is correct, then you must set PSEN  low and RESET the MSC1210 following the flash programming.  From the console terminal you would need to send Enter (CR) and you should see a prompt.  Once you see the prompt you should be able to enter F70 to list out the hardware configurations bytes.  You may find this document helpful:

    If I have misunderstood what you are trying to do, please reply with more detail on what you are attempting to accomplish.

    Best regards,

    Bob B

  • you said  "you must set PSEN  low and RESET the MSC1210 following the flash programming."

    i know that but can i read the hardware before RESET the MSC1210 following the flash programming? or do you have other kinds to replace "RESET the MSC1210 following the flash programming"

  • Hi Yong,

    It is possible to flash the MSC1210 and then read the contents of the configuration register as long as you stay in flash programming mode.  If reset is sent after the program is flashed, then you will need to go into UAM to read the contents.  The following document may be helpful:

    From a terminal program you can follow the above directions. 'E' toggles the console echo.  'L' and ENTER, places the MSC1210 into a flash load state.  You can then load the program into the device by transferring the hex file to the device.  Make sure you follow the timing directions shown in the above application note.  When the hex file has finished loading you will see a 'T' on the console screen.  At this point do not issue a RESET.  If you type 'E' and Enter, the echo will be turned back on if you want to see what is being typed, or just enter 'F70' and the data will be returned to the console.  I show an example of what I did below (I did not turn on the echo, only entered 'F70' after the program finished loading):

    Best regards,

    Bob B

  • Hi Bob,
    This is Beta Liu from Suzhou, China.
    Maybe you misunderstand what Yong's said.
    The background is the our customer is mounting chip MSC1210 into PCB. Before mounting, the chip is already programmed by third party. our customer want to check the dedicated address, i.e 0X75, if data is FC before mounting.
    We follow sbaa076b_Programming_the_MSC1210.PDF's instruction to setup a circuit to let chip work in programming mode (set ALE with high and PSEN with low), and use TI DOWNLOADER.EXE to communicate with chip. we found that when we try to send command in terminal interface without programming, there is no reponse from chip. But if we reprogrammed firstly, then send command in terminal interface, the chip will reponse and feedback data FC. While our customer doesn't allow us to reprogramm chip when reading data.
    So now our puzzled issue is that:
    How can we read out data from address 0X75 without reprogramming?
    I hope clarified the question clearly, thanks.

    Best regards,
    Beta Liu
  • Hi Beta,

    The same commands work for Serial Flash Programming Mode and User Access Mode. You do not need to use TI Downloader as you can use any terminal console program. Once you are in the console terminal connected to the MSC1210 (port 0), you can enter UAM by resetting the device with ALE high and PSEN low. At this time the MSC1210 is looking for a CR (for you to press the Enter key) for the autobaud sequence to complete. After the autobaud for the MSC1210 completes, you should see a version ID and a '>' prompt. At this point you can read the memory. Nothing on the device is erased or reprogrammed unless you do so by further commands. Console should be setup with 9600 baud, N (nor parity), 8 (data bits), 1 (stop bit).

    When using TI Downloader, click the box on the front panel to 'Open Terminal Screen' and the box 'Skip Download' to get to the console screen. All other boxes should be unchecked. Once in the Console Terminal screen, reset the MSC1210 with PSEN low and ALE high, and then press ENTER. You should now see the ID and prompt and can also use the F70 command to see the memory.

    Best regards,
    Bob B
  • Hi Bob,

    We resolved the issue by following your clear and detailed instructions, thank you very much for your great support.

    Beta regards,

    Beta Liu

  • Hi Bob,
    I have another question.
    After checking dedicated address's data, we need program the chip, which commands should we send? thanks.
    Best regards,
    Beta Liu
  • Hi Beta,

    I referenced 2 documents in my previous posts that show all the information  you need to program the MSC1210 from the terminal console program.  One very important step prior to programming the MSC device is setting up the correct flash timing parameters for the crystal/oscillator being used as the master clock for the MSC1210 when the flash is being programmed.  The instructions are shown below:

    The specific commands would look similar to those below.  The actual parameters used are dependent on the master clock frequency of the MSC1210 at the time of programming:

    As you are already at the command prompt when checking the memory, you will not need to follow the first steps if entering the flash programming load.  You can either follow the information from the datasheet/user's guide for setting up the timing, or you can tell me the clock frequency being used when programming and I can give you the proper values.  If you use a clock frequency of 4MHz or less you can skip the step 3 from above.

    Best regards,

    Bob B

  • Hi Bob,

    Thanks for your quick response and detailed explanation.

    I'll try and revert to you on any results, thanks again.

    Best regards,

    Beta Liu