Dear Sir,
I am using MSP432 to communicate with ADS1298R ECFE evaluation board. I am modifiying example code provided with SDK of MSP432.
Connection on MSP432
P1.5 -> SCLK
P2.3 -> Chip Select
P1.7 -> DIN
P1.6 -> DOUT
P2.4 -> DRDY
START and PWDN connected to 3.3 V power supply of MSP432 board.
I am using Internal clock of ADS1298. But every time i try to read register values either it gives 0x0 or some arbitrary values.
Process of reading register values, i am following:
First writing RESET command, followed by SDATAC command then any command like reading any Register value. But It is not giving as expected value.
Any suggestion might be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Anurag Tamboli