Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1120, ADS1220
Dear Ti Team,
I'm trying to setup the ads124s06 ADC to sample a full bridge strain gauge but with not much success :\
I got the point where I can communicate with the device via SPI and read write configuration registers but I can't get a non-zero reading from the strain gauge. The wiring is the following (excluding the SPI pins, 3.3V system voltage):
AIN 2-5 - NC
GPIO0 -3 - NC
REFP1 and REFN1 - NC
DGND and AVSS and AVSS-SW and START/SYNC - ground
IOVDD and DVDD and RESET - positive supply
The strain gauge is connected to AIN0 (+input), AIN1 (-input), REFP0 and REFN0. The bridge is powered by connecting REFP0 to AVDD.
I'm using the REFP0 and REFN0 because REFN0 should be connected to the PSW to power town the strain gauge circuit.
The following configuration is written to the ADC via SPI (the ones I'm not mentioning are left default):
PGA_EN: enabled (01)
GAIN: 32 (101) [also tried with 128]
MODE: single shot (1)
DR: 2000 SPS (1100)
PSW: closed (1)
This the procedure I'm doing after powering up the device:
1, SPI setup
2, Read device ID and STATUS reg (status is OK)
3, Write configuration
4, Read configuration (validation)
5, START conversation
6, READ data (3 bytes) ----> always returning 0
8, Wait 1sec
9, goto 5
So up to the point of sampling the strain gauge all seems to fine. My questions would be:
Is the wiring correct to sample a strain gauge?
Does the register config corresponds to the wiring and correct to sample a strain gauge?
If not would you be so nice to give some guidance how to wire/configure the device?
The idea would be to configure it for single shot mode and between each conversation put the device into the lowest power mode and turn of the strain gauge.
Thank you very much in advance!
All the best,
Viktor Varjas