SPI signals which I sampled from ADS7883 component in my board, are attached above.
Above the signals there is a ruler with numerated ticks.
The time between each two adjacent ticks is 1/75Mhz. The SCLK is spread over 5 ticks. So it means that SCLK frequency that I use is 15Mhz.
I don't understand 3 things:
1. According to the datasheet ADS7883 is supposed to output on its SDA output 16 bits on each reading cycle.
According to the datasheet the first 2 bits (of the 16 bits) are always zero
So why is the first bit = ‘1’ on each reading cycle (as seen in the sampled signals above)?
2. According to the datasheet the last 2 bits (of the 16 bits) are always zero.
So why is one of the 2 last bits on each reading cycle (as seen in the sampled signals above) different from ‘0’?
3. Why do I get the short zero on SDA signal on tick number 1722?
I don’t understand how the data (of SDA) can be shorter than the SCLK.
Waiting for answers