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ADS124S08EVM: Issue in data logging to SD card from ADS124S08EVM interfaced with arduino

Part Number: ADS124S08EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS124S08

Hello maa'm/sir,

Actually I am trying to interface ADS124S08EVM with arduino mega and trying to log the data to SD card using SD card module through USART mode.  SD card also interfaced with arduino mega. For USART,using mega 2560 XCK (PD5) clock is used and Chip select of both EVM and SD card connected to different pins of arduino and ground alos common.

MISO of ADC connected to RX pin of mega2560 and TX pin of arduino connected to MISO fo SD card reader. XCK  is common to both ADC and SD card. So,is my connection are right or not? I will aso upload my code tomorrow. I am not able to get any data from ADC when I am doing USART with SD card. What is the problem?

Thank you


Sushmita Chaudhary

  • Hi Sushmita,

    It sounds like you are trying to mix communication modes.  The ASD124S08 uses SPI communication and not UART (USART).  These two protocols are not compatible.

    Best regards,

    Bob B

  • Hello Bob,

    But when I am trying to log the data to SD card from EVM using SPI communication using arduino mega,I am not able to get the data.

    My connection are as follows:-

    EVM- CS=4,START=3,RESET=2,SDI=TX2,SDO=RX2 SCKcommon to SD card and arduino mega (Pin53 of mega)

    SD card- MOSI=51,MISO=50,CLK=52,CS=5

    My code is as follows:

    Thank you


    Sushmita Chaudhary


  • Hi Sushmita,

    It appears that you are merging several code segments from various projects to capture data from the ADS124S08 and save the data to the SD card.  However, in your loop function I do not see where you ever read data from the ADS124S08.  You need to verify that you can read/write to the SD card, and separately read/write to the ADS124S08.  As I have not written the code nor am I familiar with it, you will need to troubleshoot the communication and code flow.  You need to verify your communication using an oscilloscope, or better yet, a logic analyzer.  

    Best regards,

    Bob B