Hi, it's the first time designing an ADC circuits, I understand the basics, but I want to go deeply so I want to do it right with this first circuit.
Target: Sense voltage of a Solar Panel(Vmin= 16V - Vmax= 21V) and a LiPo Battery (Vmin= 8V - Vmax= 12.1V) with the ADS1015 at 3,3V
ADS1015 Configuration: Single-Shot with PGA -> 1 @± 4.096V
The voltage divider calcs are for maxVin=25V to get a Vout range between 0 to 3.3V
I think, for reach the target this is a solution, but no the best solution.
First I didn't take care about input impedance, please let me know what I'm doing wrong and how can do it better?