Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA128, ADS1230, ADS125H02
hello guys
I have used ADS1232 when EXC votage and REF is 5V.Now I have design a new product by ADS1232 .such like this setup.
the GAIN is 1
EXC votage is 10V
REF votage is 3.3V
AINP is input from by INA128.INA 128 also working right now.(I have design the P and N votage).
AINN is connecting to the GND.
I have got the DEC,but it is very fluctation.and the linear is not very good.
So I have two questions :
1:Does ads1232 support the single-end input?At first I used ADS1230 to design,the datasheet tells us it support ,but autally it doesn't support.So,ADS1232 also like this ?
2:when the REF is 3.3V,it cann't support the single-end,or the GAIN is 1?