Hello Bob,
What is the easiest way to convert 24bit A/D converted output of ADS122U04 into Temperature into Degree Centegrade?
I have exactly followed the datasheet of ADS122U04 and assembled it's circuit on a general purpose PCB.
I have studied the design formulae mentioned in the datasheet and accordingly calculated the Rref value.
So, in my circuit, the Rref is 3K3, Dvdd=Avdd= 3v3dc, IDAC2 (output through AIN3 i.e. pin no 6) is 500uA.
The sensor used is RTD PT100.
The circuit is functioning great and I am getting a A/D converted 3-bytes output count as: D4CA62
at ambient temperature of around 30 degree centigrade. At this point the PT100 resistance is 111.2 Ohms
and differential voltage between AIN0 and AIN1 is 106 milliVolts.
Please let me know what is the easiest way of converting this 3-bytes output count which is D4CA62 into Temperature value in Degree Centigrade.
The formulae given in datasheet are for the internal temperature sensor (14 bit output) of ADS122U04 but none for the 24bit output. Kindly help.
Milind Risbud.