Hi team,
I have read a few threads about ADS1230 designs (thanks Bob for your detailed answers on the subject) and I still have a few questions and I am looking for advices/design review.
- In "ADS1230REF User's Guide (Rev. A)" the schematic page 27 uses two 1uF feedthrough caps (C47, C46) and two 100pF (C29, C32) for common mode filtering and one 0.1uF (C7) for differential. Is it normal that it doesn't follow the 10/1 ratio between common and differential caps ?
- Is it good to use a single feedthrough for common mode filtering (that might be more balanced) than two regular caps ?
- Should REFN be filtered as REFP or can it be tied to AGND ?
- Should I add caps to complete my RC filter (R1, R2, C1) ?
- Stupid question : Are there limits to resistor values (R1, R2) is under 10R too low, is over 10k too high ?