Dear Support:
I have a DAC60501 on a PCB that I am bringing up and running into an issue with the device not behaving per the datasheet. I am using I2C to communicate with the device, and the values I am getting from the reading the registers upon power-up are not matching their default values. For example, the DEVID register should read 0x2295 and instead I am reading 0x2195. The CONFIG register should read 0x0000 and instead I am reading 0x0200. I have tried reading these registers before writing 0x000A to the TRIGGER register (performs a POR) and after writing this value of 0x000A to the TRIGGER register - still the same result. In addition, upon reading the STATUS register, I am reading 0x0001 which has the REF-ALARM bit set indicating that the DAC output will be at zero volts as a result.
However I measure the VREFIO pin and it measure 2.5V during this testing which indicates that the internal reference is working properly. However when I write to the DAC register to output a voltage, the output remains at 0V no matter what value I write to the DAC register. Do you know what I am doing wrong here and why these register reads are not matching per what the datasheet indicates that they should be? Please advise.