I bought an ads1256 module for the purpose of reading a load cell, but I have not been successful in finding a reference project using ESP32 to read the ads. I would like to receive some help with that.
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I bought an ads1256 module for the purpose of reading a load cell, but I have not been successful in finding a reference project using ESP32 to read the ads. I would like to receive some help with that.
Hi Rafael,
I am not aware of any specific examples of code that can be run on an ESP32 platform, but here is a link to another E2E post that was asking a similar question. It looks like there are some general examples you can use to help you get started: https://e2e.ti.com/support/data-converters/f/73/t/784920
If you have any questions about the ADS1256 specifically or how to configure the registers settings for your application, I'll be glad to help provide some guidance there!
Hi Bryan ,
Any help is very welcome ! , I have questions about the ADS1256 specifically and how to configure the registers .
Hi Rafael,
If you have specific questions, can you please post them so I can answer them.
Otherwise, you can look through the entire library of e2e questions and answers to see if your specific concerns have already been addressed.
I'm getting readings from ads1256 at the moment, but the values are showing a great variation. How can I configure the registers settings for better accuracy?
Hi Rafael,
Can you share your board schematic as well as your register settings? If the register settings are included in the code file you attached, please just post that specific portion of the code.
Can you also let me know what signals you are applying to the ADC, what results you are getting, and what the expected results should be? I am not sure how to help here without knowing more detail about what as gone wrong.