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I'm doing a research project about bioamplifiers and chose the ADS1298.
As a first step, I made a breakout board to access the pins and connected them to an Arduino, a breadboard and the development board as a power supply, but I'm not able read the chip's ID.
I use the Arduino for the SPI communication and as a power supply for the development board, which I use again in order to provide a biopolar supply for the chip on the breakout board.
I also installed the VCAPs. I tested my Arduino code with the development board and it works.
There is a schematic, a picture of the setup and the Arduino code attached.
Is there something wrong with the wiring? Or could it be, that the chip is broken?
Thanks for any help
#include <SPI.h> void setup(){ pinMode(4, OUTPUT); SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); adc_send_command(0x11); delay(500); } void loop() { delay(500); Serial.begin(115200); int ID = 1; digitalWrite(4, LOW); SPI.transfer(0x20); delayMicroseconds(5); SPI.transfer(0); delayMicroseconds(5); ID = SPI.transfer(0); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(4, HIGH); Serial.println(ID); } void adc_send_command(int cmd) { digitalWrite(4, LOW); SPI.transfer(cmd); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(4, HIGH); }
Hi Dominik,
Thanks for your post.
Just to confirm, are you providing +5V and GND to our EVM development board and then connecting the AVDD, AVSS, DVDD to your breakout board? Your schematic reads 3.3V (AVDD) and GND (AVSS), but the RED/BLUE wires coming off of the EVM are connected to +/- 2.5V (assuming the on-board LDOs / inverters are properly powered). I would start by making sure that the correct voltages are connected to your breakout board device.
Also, are you providing a CLK to the device? Because you have CLKSEL tied to DGND in your schematic, the ADS1298 will be expecting that you provide an external CLK signal.
Just a technical detail: I assume that your capacitor values are in "microfarads" (uF) and not "millifarads" (mF), is that correct? :) Other than that, I do not see any immediate concerns with the schematic.
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
sorry for the delay.
Yes, I power the EVM board with +5V, +3,3V and GND but and I'm using +/-2,5V, 3,3V and GND for the breakout board. I just removed the jumpers and connected the pin headers and I can measure all the voltages on the chip's pins.
No, I would like to use the internal CLK. I had a look at the schematics of the EVM board and as far as I could see, the CLK is connected to DGND as well, but I also tried it with a high CLKSEL pin and it didn't make any difference.
Yes, that's right, it should be uF :)
Is it possible, that the length of the jumper cables affect the signal and make it too noisy?
Regards and Thanks so far
I'm still trying to get any connection, but I wasn't successful yet. I ordered new chips and boards in order to make sure, that the chip didn't get destroyed during the soldering, but it's still the same.
Are there any other ways to see if the chip is alive, without using the SPI port?
Kind regards
Hi Dominik,
One thing you can try is to probe the /DRDY pin. After the power-up sequence is followed, the device should immediately start pulsing the /DRDY pin at the default Data Rate of 500SPS without sending SPI commands.
Best of luck!