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Can I give external power supply 5V from arduino to ADS124S08 EVM to power on instead of giving from USB to EVM?
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for your reply. Actually I have connected +5V supply from arduino Uno pin to JP9 jumper(1,2 shorted) and common ground to JP11 jumper position(2,3 shorted),then also EVM is powered up and also I don't need to think about the DVDD voltage. According to my connection DVDD voltage is within the limits and also I am getting supplies of 5 V and 3.3 V at the J7,J8,J9 side. But you shared one thread also,in that it was discussed that at JP6 position we have to give supply from arduino and related to DVDD supply. Are my connections right? If I am wrong please correct me.
Sushmita Chaudhary
Hi Bob,
Thank you for your explanation. Does it mean that I should connect +5V supply from UNO to pin 2 and pin 3 of JP9?
Sushmita Chaudhary
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your explanation. My query is solved.
Sushmita Chaudhary