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I found the SPICE model of e.g. the new OPA2140:
What do I have to do to use it with other SPICE software than TINA? (I use
NGSpice under Linux).
Is there a possibility to export in standard SPICE format?
Mario Baussmann
The easiest way to get access to the model is to download TINA-TI from the TI website. Once downloaded, you can open the .tsm file and cut and paste it into a .cir file that you may be able to use in a simulator that supports PSpice format SPICE models. I am not familiar with NGSpice, however, if it is fully PSpice compatible, the model should be able to be imported and used.
I am attaching the .cir file to this post that was made using the procedure referenced above.
You might also want to see this thread:
We generally release both PSPICE and TINA models at the same time; however, with this particular family the PSPICE model was giving us a little trouble. At the link, you'll find a preliminary OPA140 model for PSPICE that seems to be working pretty well. Once we have it thoroughly checked out, we'll release it on our website.
Thanks Britt and Rick for your help.
I think the best for me is to wait for the PSPICE compatible model.
(I tested both model files in my circuit with NGSpice and LTSpice - without success)
best regards
The link you have posted no longer leads anywhere, I am having a problem using the provided Spice model in LTspice for the opa140, how could i got about getting the new file you posted here before?