Hi everyone
My lab is trying to identify the model and components of a DLP evaluation kit we own to understand how to operate this - the documentation of the projector is missing. It is a small kit of boards with a UV light mounted to it, we would like to use it for a 3D printing application using UV light templating and be able to project different images / patterns with the light. The kit was purchased in Switzerland by ETH Zurich and we think it was from 2016. The top board is called "Discovery Main Board Rev 1" and the side board that control the UV light is a DLPC board with the name "DLPC LED Board Rev3". There is also a bar code 3828EA007194 on a white sticker on the device but googling this number reveals nothing. If anyone on this forum recognises the make and model of this kit, please let me know. Please refer to pictures. Thank you!