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Part Number: DLPDLCR2000EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP2000, DLPA1000, DLPC2607

Dear Texas Instruments 

Sorry for my Japanese.
I would like to disassemble the DLPDLCR2000EVM and use only the DMD chip components.
However, since I am not skilled in electronic circuit design, I would like to use the DMD chip by using the base part of DLPDLCR2000EVM and removing the LED light source.

However, when I used the DLP2000 as shown in the pictures below, the light returned the same reflection in all cases: when something was displayed on the screen, when the entire screen was black, and when the power was in the OFF state.

I had assumed that when the power was off, the mirror was at 0°, when the power was on and black was displayed, the mirror was off, and when the power was on and something other than black was displayed, the mirror was on.

However, we believe that there is some kind of defect because the mirror reflects the same light in all states.

And I don't know if it is a problem with the base of the DMD chip, the DMD chip itself, or the incoming light.
I would like to solve that problem and get it working properly.
Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Hello User,

    Welcome to the E2E forum. Thank you for your business!

    Can you clarify what you are seeing? When you power the disassembled EVM with 5V, you do not see any mirror activity at all, even with a splash pattern? Do you get any light output or picture on the unaltered EVM when you power it with 5V? Do any of the LEDs on the boards light up when either EVM is powered? 

    When a black image is displayed and the EVM is powered, the mirrors are still on. You will see a very, very faint light output from the EVM. 

    However, it may be simpler to purchase the individual parts, the DLP2000 DMD, DLPC2607 controller, and DLPA1000 PMIC and use this reference guide to develop your system. If you follow along with the schematic and layout design you do not need to develop an entirely new design.



  • Thank you for your reply.

    First of all I am using the DLPDLCR2000EVM on top of a Raspberry Pi.
    Therefore, I have an interface board between the Raspberry Pi and the DLPDLCR2000EVM.

    url is for interface board. Sorry for the Japanese.

    Power is supplied by USB and a power outlet as shown in the first image.

    The second and third images show the power supply. The LEDs on the DLPDLCR2000EVM are lit in both images.

    The fourth picture shows the DLPDLCR2000EVM before disassembly, when power was supplied to the DLPDLCR2000EVM and it was operating.

    In the fourth picture, the DLPDLCR2000EVM and the computer screen are working the same way.

    However, after disassembling the DLPDLCR2000EVM, the mirror tilt angle does not seem to have changed when the same thing is done to the DLPDLCR2000EVM.

    After disassembly, light was incident on the DLPDLCR2000EVM from an angle as shown in the fifth figure.
    The black circle is the reflected light. Personally, I felt that the reflected light in the upper right and lower left corner has a similar shape, while the reflected light in the middle has a different shape.

    (Sorry, when I changed to the new DMD chip, I could not see the image as shown in Figure 5.)

    Once I replaced it with a new DMD chip and checked it, there was no stripe pattern and it looked like 6,7,8 in the picture.

    I thought about DLP2000 DMD, DLPC2607 controller, and DLPA1000 PMIC once, but being Japanese and not fluent in English, I could not fully understand it even after reading the manual.
    Therefore, I chose to disassemble the projector, a method that is easy to understand intuitively.

    If you say that DLP2000 DMD, DLPC2607 controller and DLPA1000 PMIC are easier to do, I would consider changing to those.

    But in that case, I don't know what to do with the DLP2000 DMD.
    I have been using visual studio code to create the stripe pattern image, and then using DLP2000, but I don't know how to use DLP2000 DMD, DLPC2607 controller, and DLPA1000 PMIC.

    Either way, I would like to know how to do this in a way that doesn't take too much time and can be understood by a layman.

    I will follow your instructions for anything as long as it works anyway.

    please remember me.
    Please let me know if you need any more information or anything else that is incomplete.
    Also, if you let me know what time you are active I will try to reply at that time!


  • Hello User,

    I am having a little trouble understanding, so I will put my previous questions here again in both English and Japanese. Feel free to answer the questions in Japanese and I will use my translation program to translate it back into English.

    1 (English) . When you power the disassembled DLPDLPCR2000EVM with 5V, there is no mirror activity at all, even with a splash pattern?

    1 (Japanese). 5Vで分解したDLPDLPCR2000EVMに電源を供給すると、スプラッシュパターンがあってもミラー・アクティビティはまったくありませんか? 

    2. Do you get any light output or picture on the unaltered DLPDLCR2000EVM when you power it with 5V? 

    2. 5Vで電源を供給したときに、変更されていないDLPDLCR2000EVMで光出力または画像が得られますか? 

    3. Do any of the LEDs on the boards light up when either EVM is powered? Which LEDs?

    3.いずれかのEVMに電源が供給されると、ボード上のLEDが点灯しますか? どのLEDですか?



  • Hello, Maxine

    1. Nothing seems to change when power is supplied.
    (The splash pattern is the initial screen, right? For example, the words WEATHER FORECAST or TEMPERATURE appear.)
    2. After disassembly DLPDLCR2000EVM can get optical output or image. After supplying power, splash pattern will be displayed at first, and after a certain time, it will switch to Raspberry Pi desktop. Then it will be ready for operation
    3. Yes, it will light up.
    The LED labeled D3 lights up green. Both before and after being disassembled.

  • Hello,

    1. Yes, the splash is the initial screen. On the disassembled EVM, are the D2 or D3 LEDs lit up green? To confirm, when you plug into power, you get no light or picture?

    1.はい、スプラッシュは初期画面です。 分解したEVMで、D2またはD3 LEDが緑色に点灯していますか? 電源に接続しても光や画像が出ないことを確認してください。 

    2. As I understand, on the assembled EVM everything is working correctly. If you were to switch out the DMD from the working system to the non-working/disassembled system, does the disassembled system work correctly? Then, put the DMDs back in their original systems and instead switch out the flex cables. These tests can isolate whether the DMD or the flex cable is at fault.

    2. 私が理解しているように、組み立てられたEVMではすべてが正しく機能しています。 DMDを作動システムから非作動/分解システムに切り替える場合、分解システムは正常に作動しますか? 次に、DMDSを元のシステムに戻し、フレックスケーブルを取り外します。 これらのテストにより、DMDまたはフレックスケーブルに障害があるかどうかを特定できます。

  • Hello

    1. In the disassembled EVM, D3 is blinking as it was before disassembly.
    2. Does the working system mean the EVM before disassembling?
    If so, if you use the disassembled EVM with the same settings as the pre-disassembled EVM, the mirror will not move and will not work properly.

    Then, put the DMDs back in their original systems and instead switch out the flex cables. These tests can isolate whether the DMD or the flex cable is at fault.

    The reflected light changed when using the old DMD and the new DMD. But neither of these images are normal.

  • Hello User,

    To confirm, when you switched out the DMD from the complete EVM to the unassembled EVM, the picture was wrong?

    This likely means that something is wrong with the hardware of the unassembled EVM that is now damaging the DMD. When you put it back in the complete system, is the DMD still broken?

    確認しますが、DMD を完全な EVM から組み立てられていない EVM に切り替えたとき、状況は間違っていましたか?
    これは、組み立てられていない EVM のハードウェアに何らかの問題があり、DMD に損傷を与えている可能性があります。完全なシステムに戻しても、DMD はまだ壊れていますか?

  • Hello

    1. when you swap a DMD from a completed EVM to an unassembled EVM, you mean when you swap a disassembled DLPDLCR2000EVM to an unassembled DLPDLCR2000EVM, right?
    The disassembled DLPDLCR2000EVM did not work when it was replaced.
    It is not possible to replace only the DMD2000 with an unassembled DLPDLCR2000EVM.
    This is because the DMD2000 is built inside the DLPDLCR2000EVM and must be disassembled to be replaced.
    2. just to confirm, does DMD2000 work properly the way I operate it?
    Or is there some part missing?

  • Hello,

    I am very sorry for the confusion. I will try to be as plain as possible.

    1. First, please swap the flex cables between your two units. Tell me if there is anything different in either of your EVMs. If there is a difference, your flex cable is damaged. If there is no difference, move to the second step.

    2. Second, I understand that removing the DMD from your complete EVM disassembles the EVM. With great care, swap the DMDs between EVM systems. Meaning, remove the DMD from the complete system and place it in your disassembled system. Leave the system disassembled. Take the DMD from your disassembled system and place it into your complete system and reassemble that system to make it complete again. Tell me if there is anything different in either of your EVMs. If there is a difference, your DMD is damaged. 

    3. Third, swap the DMDs back into their original systems. Ensure that you have one disassembled system and one complete system. Is the behavior of the systems different in any way?

    ご混乱をおかけして申し訳ございません。 私はできるだけ平易になるようにします。

    1.まず、2台のユニット間のフレックスケーブルを交換してください。 どちらのEVMにも何か違いがある場合は、教えてください。 違いがある場合は、フレックスケーブルが破損しています。 違いがない場合は、2番目のステップに移動します。
    2.次に、DMDを完全なEVMから削除すると、EVMが分解されることを理解しています。 EVMシステム間でDMDSを交換する際は、十分に注意してください。 つまり、DMDをシステム全体から取り外し、分解したシステムに配置します。 システムを分解したままにします。 分解したシステムからDMDを取り出し、完全なシステムに配置し、システムを再組み立てして完全な状態にします。 どちらのEVMにも何か違いがある場合は、教えてください。 違いがある場合は、DMDが破損しています。
    3.最後に、DMDSを元のシステムにスワップします。 分解されたシステムが1つと、完全なシステムが1つあることを確認します。 システムの動作は何らかの点で異なりますか?



  • Hello,

    If you any further questions, please let me know. Otherwise, I will close this thread. Thank you.

