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Part Number: DLP2021LEQ1EVM


Is there a Linux version of DLP Composer available?
Additionally, is there a command-line interface (CLI) version?

  • Hi Hariom!

    DLP Composer is Windows-only (though it *might* be able to be used on Linux via WINE. This has never been tested as far as I'm aware). 

    There is a CLI version. It's called `CLPComposer.Console.exe` and is located in the same directory as the main DLP Composer executable. It's quite simple in that it only takes a single argument; the path to a Composer project file (.dlpproj) and then builds that project. All project configuration must be done via the GUI.



    P.s., if you attempt to run DLP Composer via WINE please let me know the results!

  • Hi Andrew,

    As per your suggestion, I attempted to run DLP Composer on Linux using WINE. The installation was successful, but the application crashed when I tried to import a project.

    I've attached a snapshot of the error message, as well as the crash log for further analysis. Let me know if there's anything else I can try or if you have suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue.

    �DLPA��dows\system32\wmp.dll�v߯�k�1��	�w��o��rM��(O �f�­9DL��o��{���8󂞚J�2� r<>K�j�>X�B�^���!�t�W�E�5iI𝐦��	�0��\]+!kC\���r�9�9_ sq ׳n	\iޥ6D�������}���n��9�d,�	�f�7�F;���
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  • Hi Hariom,

    I'm going to do some testing in a VM to try and figure out what's going wrong here. There will hopefully be a simple solution to this problem (if not, I'm not sure the team will have the bandwidth for WINE-specific changes). 

    Based on your screenshot, it seems that you're using a Raspberry Pi. Is this correct? Can you share the exact OS build and WINE version that you're using? I'm wondering if running on an ARM system could be introducing additional complications.



  • Hi Andrew,

    I was able to successfully run DLP Composer using WINE after installing a few ActiveX plugins.

    Are there any CLI commands available for rebuilding the image? I noticed a few applications like DLPComposer.Console and DLPComposer.FlashCompiler.Console.

    Could you provide any steps or guidance on how to use these for rebuilding?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hi Hariom,

    I was actually doing my own testing and was also able to get it to run. I wish I had seen your response sooner! Specifically, I had to install the WMP (Windows Media Player) component. On my x64 installation I had to use WMP 11, but WMP 9 or 10 may work in an x86 Wine prefix.

    I'm building the flash image now, but it seems that it's going to take a good bit of time to complete on my Pi. Once it finishes I can start testing the generated flash image to ensure that it was built properly.

    As far as the CLI goes, currently we only support building the binary through the `DLPComposer.Console.exe` tool. You invoke it along with the path to your DLP Composer project file as an argument and it will build it. Any configuration should still be done in the DLP Composer GUI.

    Thanks and good luck!


  • Hi Andrew 

    Thanks for the hint 

    Yes building with PI takes 4 hours 

    Can you also give a try using the DLPComposer.Console.exe
    I am getting the below error 

    wine ./DLPComposer.Console.exe /home/archer/.wine/drive_c/dlptest/DLP2021_DGP_RGB_60Hz/DGP.dlpproj
    Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD CRC32 PageSize:4096 Running on Cortex-A72 with 4 Cores
    Will use Hardware counter measured at 54.0 MHz emulating 3.4 GHz
    Params database has 90 entries
    Box64 with Dynarec v0.3.1 35d17abe built on Sep 19 2024 06:32:43
    BOX64: Wine64 detected, WINEPRELOADRESERVE=""
    BOX64: Didn't detect 48bits of address space, considering it's 39bits
    WINE prereserve of 0x10000:0x8000 done
    WINE prereserve of 0x110000:0x30000000 done
    WINE prereserve of 0x7f000000:0x3000000 done
    BOX64: Detected running wine with "DLPComposer.Console.exe"
    Counted 49 Env var
    BOX64 LIB PATH: BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/:/usr/local/games/:/usr/games/
    Looking for /usr/local/bin/wine
    Apply RC params for wine
    Applying BOX64_MAXCPU=64
    Rename process to "wine"
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using emulated /opt/wine-9.17/bin/../lib/wine/x86_64-unix/
    Using emulated /usr/lib/box64-x86_64-linux-gnu/
    Using native(wrapped)
    Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD CRC32 PageSize:4096 Running on Cortex-A72 with 4 Cores
    Will use Hardware counter measured at 54.0 MHz emulating 3.4 GHz
    Params database has 90 entries
    Box64 with Dynarec v0.3.1 35d17abe built on Sep 19 2024 06:32:43
    BOX64: Wine preloader detected, loading "/opt/wine-9.17/bin/wine" directly
    BOX64: Wine64 detected, WINEPRELOADRESERVE=""
    BOX64: Didn't detect 48bits of address space, considering it's 39bits
    WINE prereserve of 0x10000:0x8000 done
    WINE prereserve of 0x110000:0x30000000 done
    WINE prereserve of 0x7f000000:0x3000000 done
    BOX64: Detected running wine with "DLPComposer.Console.exe"
    Counted 51 Env var
    BOX64 LIB PATH: BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/:/usr/local/games/:/usr/games/
    Looking for /opt/wine-9.17/bin/wine
    Apply RC params for wine
    Applying BOX64_MAXCPU=64
    Rename process to "wine"
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using emulated /opt/wine-9.17/bin/../lib/wine/x86_64-unix/
    Using emulated /usr/lib/box64-x86_64-linux-gnu/
    Using native(wrapped)
    02c8:err:environ:init_peb starting L"C:\\users\\archer\\AppData\\Local\\Texas Instruments\\DLP Composer\2122\\DLPComposer.Console.exe" in experimental wow64 mode
    Using emulated /opt/wine-9.17/lib/wine/x86_64-unix/
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using native(wrapped)
    Using emulated /opt/wine-9.17/lib/wine/x86_64-unix/
    Using native(wrapped)
    Look for gnutls_privkey_derive_secret in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_derive_secret not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_derive_secret in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_derive_secret not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_derive_secret in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_derive_secret not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_derive_secret in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_derive_secret not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_privkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_export_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_pubkey_import_dh_raw not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params not found in lib
    Look for gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params in loaded elfs
    Warning, function gnutls_x509_spki_set_rsa_oaep_params not found in lib
    Using emulated /opt/wine-9.17/lib/wine/x86_64-unix/
    02c8:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
    Loading the project...
    02c8:fixme:nls:GetFileMUIPath stub: 0x10, L"C:\\windows\\system32\\tzres.dll", (null), 0021EF18, 0026FC78, 0021EF1C, 0021EF10
    02c8:fixme:nls:GetFileMUIPath stub: 0x10, L"C:\\windows\\system32\\tzres.dll", (null), 0021EF18, 0026FC78, 0021EF1C, 0021EF10
    02c8:fixme:nls:GetFileMUIPath stub: 0x10, L"C:\\windows\\system32\\tzres.dll", (null), 0021EF18, 0026FC78, 0021EF1C, 0021EF10

  • Hariom,

    Since the issue is resolved, I am closing this duplicate thread as well
    For answers -

    Thank you,

    With regards,