Part Number: DLP2021LEQ1EVM


I’m using the DLP2021LEQ1EVM along with DLP Composer for converting images and videos to bitplanes. While the image conversion is quick, I’ve noticed that video processing (around 7 seconds) takes about 20-30 seconds.

Could you let me know if DLP Composer supports GPU acceleration for faster video-to-bitplane conversions? If so, I’d appreciate any details on supported GPUs or how to enable this feature.

Thank you for your assistance!

  • Hi Hariom,

    I will get in touch with one of our team members to see where we are on this and if it is possible. We will get back to you soon!

    Michael Ly

  • Hi Hariom,

    DLP Composer does not support GPU acceleration for video conversion. Disabling the compression should decrease the conversion time, but will result in a larger binary. I'll propose this feature to the DLP Composer team, but I suspect this feature will be considered low-priority since the conversion time isn't normally too critical for our customers. Do you have a specific use-case that would require decreasing this conversion time?



  • Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for the information. The use case we’re considering requires faster processing for real-time applications where generating the image and uploading it in minimal time is a key performance metric. GPU acceleration could significantly reduce delays in this scenario. Disabling compression for faster conversion might work temporarily, but the larger file sizes could be a concern. If this feature can be prioritized, it would greatly benefit our evaluation process.

  • Hi Hariom,

    I'm going to experiment with multi-threading the video to BMP conversion to speed this up. Alternatively I may try using FFMPEG, though I'm not sure we'll see any performance improvement using that instead of multi-threading the current implementation. I'll report back soon with my findings.



  • A new tool is being developed to speed up the conversion process. This thread will be updated if/when the software is released.

