DLPC3479: Internal Pattern

Part Number: DLPC3479
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP4710EVM-LC


Hi TI's Friends!

I am using a projector using the dlpc3479 with an internal pattern.

I would like to use MSP430 to determine whether the DLPC3479 has fully displayed the end pattern set order table by sending instructions to read to a certain state.

I wonder, which instruction can be used to determine whether the pattern set order table has been completely displayed?

Best Regards,

  • Hello Chen,

    The person most familiar with this platform is out of the office today, but is returning tomorrow.  I have assigned this inquiry to them.


  • Hello Chen,

    Could you please advise if you are using the DLP4710EVM-LC solution we offer or your own solution with an MSP430?

    If you are using an MSP430 you can utilize the DLPC-API Software. This software offers a User's Guide as well and it is described, within that guide, that all the code is ultimately translated into I2C commands. The API software has demonstration code and the DLPC34XX_DUAL_ReadPatternOrderTableEntry or DLPC34xx_DUAL_ReadInternalPatternStatus functions (almost at the end of the dlpc34xx_dual.c file) may be helpful for you.

    Additionally, the register address and functions are detailed in the Software Programmer's Guide for the DLPC3479. You'll want to be looking at 99h or 9Fh.



  • Hi,Aaron

    I am currently using the 9Fh command of the MSP430.I can achieve repeated displays of pattern set order by 9Eh, and I expect to have the pin send a high level signal for a period of time after the pattern set order projection ends. But when I tested it, I found that the signal is sent before the projection is finished. But I don't know how to tell when the projection of pattern set order is finished by 9Fh. So how can I determine whether the pattern set order table has been completely displayed by 99h or 9Fh?

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Chen,

    Sorry, I wasn't following the question entirely!

    Reading back from a register is not going to be the best way of monitoring the system, this is why we provide Trigger out waveforms that you can monitor or in this case the Pattern Ready line.

    It would be easier to monitor the Pattern Ready line. Please read through the DLPC3479 Datasheet section Tigger In Mode, Figure 7-15 should help show you what I mean for monitoring the pattern completion.

    Hopefully this makes sense as this will be much easier than reading back through a register. The Pattern Ready signal should be available through GPIO_06 or pin F14 and on the DLP4710EVM-LC module would be pin 2 of J48 pin header.



  • Hi,Aaron

    Currently I have two DLPC3479.

     I would like to cascade the projection of two DLPC3479's through an interrupt program. I will change the pattern set order of the projections by 98h and the number of projections by 9Eh as required. Therefore, I am writing code to send a high level signal for a certain period of time after one projection has finished its pattern set order, which triggers the interrupt program of the next DLPC3479 to start its projection. From there, I need to use the program to monitor the system.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Chen,

    Can you advise why you need to manually change the pattern set order and move through the projections? The patterns will follow all the settings you have selected within 92h, 90h, 94h, 05h, and 9Eh and will need to be set every time you try to update. These are detailed within the DLPC3479 Software Programmer's Guide section 3.4 for Internal Pattern Streaming execution when programming Light control commands.

    If you want to add a delay at any time, I would advise you utilize the Trigger In (TRIG_IN to advance pattern), the pattern ready should likely be monitored to make sure the next trigger is not sent  during the load time as well.

    Again, please read through section of the DLPC3479 Datasheet. Figure 7-15 shows how this would work.

