DLPC3433: Stuck on splash screen at higher temperatures

Part Number: DLPC3433
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP3010, DLPA2000



We're experiencing a problem with the DLPC3433 getting stuck on the splash screen during power on when the temperature is higher, but still within the declared operating limits. Depending on the chip it can sometimes be as low as 45C. The problem is very repeatable, ie a "bad" board will consistently get stuck at 55C while a good one can go above 70C and still boot up fine. The problem is very common, roughly half of the boards struggle above 60C.

The DLPC3433 is paired with DLPA2000 driving an off-board DLP3010 DMD.

The most recent test makes us think that the quality of individual DLPC3433 chips play significant role here:
we've swapped the DLPC3433 chips between two pairs of "good" and "bad" boards and on both of them the temperature performance followed the chip, so to say. So after the swap bad became good and vice versa.

We've realised that all the chips we have are from one batch - year 2021, week 24, and the foundry lot code, lot number etc are all identical as well.

Question - Is there any known issue in that batch? Has there been any newer batch/silicon revision released since then?

  • Hi User,

    Can you please take a picture of the DLPC3433 chip with device markings?

    We will need to investigate more with the information. 



  • Hi Lori,

    Here's the picture of the chip:



  • Hello Kajetan,

    Thanks for reaching out, could you provide some more information regarding your system?

    • Firmware version being used
    • How the issue is being reproduced (i.e. starting up in splash screen only & heating the device up or some other method?)
    • Just want to confirm reordering a "bad" chip onto a "good" board will still produce the issue, however a "good" chip on a "bad" board does not?
    • Please provide more information regarding the failure:
      • Does I2C communication work?
      • Does device shutdown?
      • What do you mean exactly by splash screen gets stuck?

    I have reached out to teams internally to see if there are any known issues with that lot. 



  • Hi Max,

    Thanks for quick reply, happy to provide more information:

    • Firmware version being used

    I’m unsure how to check the FW version, could you assist with that? I could provide you with the .img files we flash onto the EEPROM.

    • Just want to confirm reordering a "bad" chip onto a "good" board will still produce the issue, however a "good" chip on a "bad" board does not?

    Yes, that is correct. We replaced the DLPC3433 chips between a “good” and a “bad” board and now the “bad” board works fine, and the “good” board developed the issue.

    • How the issue is being reproduced (i.e. starting up in splash screen only & heating the device up or some other method?)

    Almost as you described, but we heat it up first. In more details:

    The board is placed on an IR preheating plate (Quick 854), one usually used to preheat PCBs. It’s temperature regulated and includes an external thermocouple connection to measure the board's temperature.

    With the system turned off, the temperature is increased to a set point, then the system is powered on. Normally, the splash screen is displayed for the first few seconds and then it switches to the PC’s video stream. But when the fault is observed, the splash screen stays on instead.

    However, if we turn the system on while cold and then slowly increase the temperature past the failure point, while it’s running and already streaming, it continues to work fine. Unless we then switch to "Test Pattern" and back to "Video Input" - in that case it's stuck on the test pattern. So it seems like it's the transition from the Splash Screen or Test Pattern to Video Input that fails under high temperature.

    • What do you mean exactly by splash screen gets stuck?

    When we power our device on, the DMD displays our custom splash screen pre-loaded into the DLPC3433 memory, while the device’s PC takes time to boot up. After a few seconds, once the video stream from the PC is ready, we switch the DLPC from “Splash Screen” to “Video Input”, but the displayed image doesn’t change, it’s still showing the splash screen.

    • Does I2C communication work?
    • Does device shutdown?

    During the fault the device does not shutdown and the I2C communication still works - we’re able to enable the “Test Pattern Generator” function on the DLPC and it works fine, displays the patterns as expected. Switching back from Test Pattern to Video Input results in the pattern still being shown (as mentioned before).

    Hope that answers your questions, let me know should anything be unclear or if you need more information.


  • Hello Kajetan,

    Just a heads up that I edited your previous response to remove NDA related information.

    Thanks for answering my questions, what video input are you using? How are you converting HDMI to the DLPC and are you using standard or non standard video timings? 

