DLPLCR4500EVM: Depth Resolution of 3D scanners using DLP LightCrafter 4500

Part Number: DLPLCR4500EVM


As per the video on How to Select the Resolution and Configuration for 3D Machine Vision Applications (https://www.ti.com/video/5045120761001?cu=1127611#transcript-tab) 

What is the Mirror Pitch for DLP LightCrafter 4500, 

If we assume it as micromirror pitch = 0.0076 with below parameters, 

SD = 500 mm 

f = 19 mm 

B = 100 mm 

H = 1140 pixels 

Mirrorpitch = 0.0076 mm 

then as per given equation depth resolution = 0.000877 mm = 0.87 micron 

Is this depth resolution of less than 1 micron possible using 3D structured light or is there an error in the factor (H/mirror pitch) or mirror pitch as 0.0076 .

Kindly share any reference for the above equation if possible.

  • Hello Hexin!

    Thank you for reaching out to us through E2E!

    I need to confirm the micromirror dimensions are diagonal or horizontal/vertical dimensions, I'd like my team member to also be able to comment on this.

    The depth resolution does take into account the other optics, so based on your optics parameters and a mirror pitch of 7.6us, yes sub-micron depth resolution should be possible. 



  • Hello Aaron,

    Thanks for your response.

    Please confirm what does the mirror pitch signify in the equation and what is it for LightCrafter 4500.



  • Hello Hexin,

    The pixel pitch for the DLLP4500 is 7.6 um per the data sheet.  However, I suspect that other optical properties may dominate here such as the MTF of the projector and / or camera.
