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The problem about three SYNC outputs of DLP Commander

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC200

 would like to know whether three SYNC output can be used to receive the pulse signal. If the answer is ‘Yes’, are there any restrictions on the size of the frame rate? If the answer is ‘No’, which interface can be used to receive the pulse signal? Thank you! (The following paragraphs is the illustration about three SYNC output.)

Three (3) SYNC outputs are provided to enable the system to synchronize external systems or

components to the pattern being displayed on the DMD. For example, an application may desire to trigger an in system camera to capture and image after a certain pattern is projected from the DMD. In this case, one of the three output SYNCs can be configured to provide a pulsed signal just after the pattern is set on the DMD, thus enabling the camera to capture the projected DMD pattern. These outputs are programmable (delay, pulse width, polarity) via the DLPC200 API, and can be updated in real-time.


Table. Active Signals – SYNC Outputs


DESCRIPTION:Three output synchronization signals


Fig. System Block Diagram