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Optical Path Information


I have attached the optical layout from the user guide.

I wish to change the wavelength range with which the NIR scan operate over (while remaining within the DMD allowable range). I also have the BOM for the module, however, it would be useful to know the what lens and filters are positioned where so that they may be substituted/changed by individual developers wishing to adapt this to their requirements.

Maybe the lens are not coated for a certain wavelength and therefore are not required to be changed.

On the collimating lens block after the lens itself there is a rectangle component at a slight vertical angle, what is this?



  • Tom,

    This is likely a confusion between what is available on the EVM page vs the TI Designs page.  On the TI Designs page, a full mechanical model and a Zemax optical module are available:  --> then click on "Design Files" to download.  The files will include:

    1. NIRscan - SolidWorks database

    I hope this helps.


  • Hi Fizix,

    Thank you. Just to clarify if I look at these files/models I will find the information about the optical parameters for each optical element? So that I could replicate and or find equivalents for my design.



  • Tom,

    You will need programs that can read the file types. 

    There may be more than one program that can interpret SolidWorks files that have free viewers, but I have not verified this. 

    However, I suspect that only Zemax can read the optical model file.  I do not know if Zemax has a free viewer.  I cannot find one if they do.


  • Hi,

    I have solidworks but I cannot see how this will help understand the optical parameters.

    I have a demo version of Zemax, but again can I select each lens and determine its coating, wavelength specification, cut-offs ....?
     These parameters are the main specifications I require.



  • Tom,

    From your original post, I thought you were primarily wanting the position of the elements - ". . .  it would be useful to know the what lens and filters are positioned where . . ."

    A number of the elements are custom parts for this design.  You can get the information from the zemax model, but if you are trying build for a different wavelength region, it will require a complete optical re-design.  It is not a simple undertaking.

    What are you specifically trying to accomplish? 

    You may want to contact our Design Partner who designed the unit for TI --> Keynote Photonics to see if you can piggyback off of some what they are working on.

    I hope this helps you.


  • Fizix,

    The Zemax model does not provide sufficient detail regarding the coatings and/or wavelengths parameters for each lens/filter.

    Trying to accomplish excitation by 785nm and measure over 200cm-1 to 4500cm-1 which falls within the spectral range of the DMD.

    I am going to consult with a local design company.



  • Fizix,

    I have downloaded the zip files for this design but there appear to be quite a number of missing CAD and Zemax files. The missing Zemax files are in the STEP format used for SolidWorks. Various SolidWorks parts are also missing from the top-level design and zip file.

    Is there some way I can provide a list of missing data and get this design updated? I have access to both SolidWorks and Zemax and can help resolve the issues.


    Dave T
  • Dave,

    First, welcome to the DLP Advanced Light Control section of the TI-E2E Community.

    We would indeed like to get your feedback on what files that you have identified as missing from the TI-Design.  It is important to get the files that are useful to customers into the Design.

    I will send you a Friend Invitation so that we can communicate directly regarding this.  Please accept the invitation so we can get your feedback.
