I have a few questions about the timing of the parallel NOR flash interface.
Is DLPR200F v2.2.0 (DLPR200F firmware version (HW v455 ? MCU v2.2.0))
available for 'READ' from AMD command type Flash device;Micron M29W640GH70NA6E?
We think the old version v 2.1.x is based on CFI Query and JS28F00AP30BF.
We know that your TA( Technical Advisory) DLPT004.pdf on Jan 2014, but I don't have
public description about which Parallel Flash you can support .
tGLQV max 25ns (DLPC200) <==> 30ns (M29W640GH70NA6E) violate.....
Should we use faster device M29W640GH60 (25ns )??
DLPC200 Flash Interface Timing Requirements
tAVQV max 110ns
tELQV max 110ns
tGLQV max 25ns
M29W640GH70NA6E Read AC Characteristics
tAVQV max 70ns
tELQV max 70ns
tGLQV max 30ns <=== this violate 25ns...
Do you know the relationship with OE goes High and Address change in case READ?
This photo( customer's waveform ) is make sence? Something wrong?
Best regards,