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DLP3000: DLP LightCrafter Issues

Expert 2415 points

Part Number: DLP3000

Hi Ti,

Currently I am using the DLP3000 Light Crafter reference design and faced the below problem. Could you please help to advise?

 1.            I2C interface doesn’t support variable pattern sequence.

2.            Does it support UART? They couldn’t locate any manual or commands regarding this.

3.            On a dlpc350 for example, it only support up to 48bits. If the total projection is over the size of 48bits, how could it maintain the transfer rate? This is a broad question, might have several possibilities.

4.            During projection, if the engineer alternate image from different 24bit it seems to have impact on producing a complete image on the projection side within the spec time.

5.            The memory assignment is limited to it’s own memory arrangement. 7 bit for example must always start from another chunk of 8 bit memory.

6.            DLP flashing firmware issue which failed in the mid of flashing.

7.            Handling on flash connection failed.

8.            When firmware too large, the flashing process failed probability is high. (10 MB)

9.            If the image is a little bit complex, the probability of failing is high too. It might be related with Question 2 which due to the compression & decompression method it use.

  • Hi Incognito,

    Can you confirm that you're using the DLPLIGHTCRAFTER? You mentioned the DLPC350 which is NOT on the DLPLIGHTCRAFTER, so I want to make sure we're talking about the same platform. I'll try my best to answer the questions regardless:

    1. This question only makes sense if you are using the DLPLCR4500EVM. The latest version of the DLPR350 FW supports variable pattern exposure. The DLPLIGHTCRAFTER doesn't support this mode at all.

    2. Both platforms support UART for debug messages but not for control.

    3. I don't fully understand the question. Patterns are loaded into memory and displayed. If more than 48bit planes are used in a pattern sequence, there will be a ~200ms loading penalty taken to load the next bit planes meaning that your pattern rate will drop.

    4. Not following. Can you clarify?

    5. Not following. Can you clarify?

    6. Can you provide a bit more detail? Were there error messages?

    7. Not following. Can you clarify?

    8. This has been addressed in the latest version of the DLPLCR4500EVM GUI and FW. Please update to the latest version. This is an issue we haven't seen on the DLPLIGHTCRAFTER.

    9. Let's address the other concerns first.

  • Hi Paul,

    Please find below reply.

    1. This question only makes sense if you are using the DLPLCR4500EVM. The latest version of the DLPR350 FW supports variable pattern exposure. The DLPLIGHTCRAFTER doesn't support this mode at all.
    Yes, we’re using 4500. But it failed to set with i2c.

    2. Both platforms support UART for debug messages but not for control.
    May I know what debug messages is it? If it is valuable, can we definitely would like to access to the messages.

    3. I don't fully understand the question. Patterns are loaded into memory and displayed. If more than 48bit planes are used in a pattern sequence, there will be a ~200ms loading penalty taken to load the next bit planes meaning that your pattern rate will drop.
    I’m looking for suggestion/solution to overcome the loading penalty, if there is one.

    4. Not following. Can you clarify?
    I flashed image 1, 3, 5 into flash memory 1, and 2, 4, 6 into memory 2. These images with load into dlpc350 with the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I can’t get a normal projected image out of this.

    5. Not following. Can you clarify?
    There’s 24 big memory segment, if I’m going to store a 3x7 bit images and 1x3 bit image, I’m not able to do so. Each 8bit segment will only contain only a 7 bit image.

    6. Can you provide a bit more detail? Were there error messages?

    7. Not following. Can you clarify?
    I might need some time to get more details

    8. This has been addressed in the latest version of the DLPLCR4500EVM GUI and FW. Please update to the latest version. This is an issue we haven't seen on the DLPLIGHTCRAFTER.
    The latest is 3.0.1 right? I'm using that ever since.

    9. Let's address the other concerns first.
    Please help to advise as I have replied on the above.

  • Hello Incognito,

    Paul has moved to supporting a different group in TI so hopefully I can continue providing support for you!

    1. Are you referencing the programming guide for the DLPC350? An example of variable pattern mode is in Table 4-3.

    2. I will have to investigate what type of specific messages are sent. I believe they are related to possible errors and are generally intended for debugging.

    3. One suggestion would be to use external streaming mode which will bypass the flash entirely. Otherwise trying to limit the number of images you need to project below 24 bit-planes would avoid this issue as well. This could be done by reducing the image bit-depth of each image (ie. instead of using 3 8-bit images use 6 4-bit images).

    4. This is due to the buffer load time mentioned in the above question. Every time the buffer rotates you have the load penalty. Since the buffer has to rotate when switching between images you experience this load penalty. If you structure the image display order so you display 3 images in the same buffer while the other images are loading you may be able to achieve correct operation. 

    5. What issue are you having doing this? I used the GUI to test it and was able to do it. Could you clarify the issue with the unused 8th bit?


    7. I'll  await the details

    8. The latest version is actually 3.1. You can find information about downloading it at 

    9. We will address the other concerns still



  • To follow up related to the UART question (#2), it gives you access to the Linux system on the DM365. It will output error messages. It may not be critical  to your application as you can detect errors in different ways (such as through the Lightcrafter GUI). However, this depends on your application. While we don't have a complete reference of the possible errors, an example is shown below of what you see at startup and an error.

    I'll  wait to hear back from you on your other questions.

