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Compiler/DLPC350: DLPC350

Part Number: DLPC350

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


I am currently in the process of trying to write an interface to utilize some of the DLP 4500 / DLPC350 API commands that were found in the included GUI source code zip. 

I am stuck at the moment due to issues with the project file that is included in the source code. So far, I have installed MinGW compiler version 4.4.0, QT version 4.8.4 for windows, and MinGW, as well as QT Creator Version 2.6.2 as per the readme.txt file. 

When attempting to open the file in QT Creator, I am brought to a screen which is requesting me to import a build configuration. I am unable to find said configuration file nor any further documentation on building the project. Maybe I am looking at this the wrong way? The readme.txt file suggested that I would just be able to open the project and click build and move on. 

Thanks for any help, 


  •  Hi Joe,

    You don't need to click on the Import Build From...

    Just click on the [Configure Project] it should open the project, make sure you have installed Qt properly, it should show a [Kit] depending upon the version of the Qt you installed.



  •  Thanks for the help Sanjeev,

    However, I am unfortunately not seeing the same options as you are when i open the .pro file.

    This is my first time using QT Creator so I am sorry if I am missing something rudimentary.

    I have attached the screen that I am presented with when I open the file.


  • Some toying around with the install worked well. I am now able to open the project.

    For those who are facing a similar issue, I did the following:

    Added QT version in the Options folder, and then made a Kit using the MINGw Compiler and correct QT Version.

    Am now able to open the project.