Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3437
I'm looking for a compact, high resolution and high frame rate optical engine that can be applied on next-gen AR headset, only suitable panel I found in DLP family is DLP3310, but when I try to dig deeper I get more questions, I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with following questions:
1) DLP3310 use pixel-shift method to scale up resolution, is that by embedded optical actuator module, or add it in projection optical path?
2) What's the highest frame rate DLP3310 can get when working in color field sequential mode? I saw some people said 60 fps, some said 120 fps, for me I'm looking for some thing over 80 fps.
3) If it can't go up to higher fps, what's the major reason, is that technical limitation from DMD panel refresh frequency or controller chip data transmit rate? Cause from what I knew, one of the biggest advantage of DMD is high frequency, I understand it has to work on PWM for grayscale image which sacrifices tons of frequency, but still 60 fps seems not enough for next-gen head mount display. If it's due to controller chip data transmit rate, is it possible to customize a more powerful one in the near term?
4) The frequency shown in DLPC6421 display controller datasheet is 240 Hz at 1080P , is that fps for color field sequential or monochromatic? If it's for full color, then why can't it (or similar customized architecture) be used with DLP3310 for high fps display?
5) If none of these work, and DLP3310's hard limit is set below 80 fps, than is there any other 1080p panel which <0.4'' diagonal size you can recommend?
Thank you very much.
Optical Engineer