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DLPC350: Pausing Pattern without turning off LED in Pattern Sequence Mode

Part Number: DLPC350
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP4500

Hi there,

I have defined a pattern sequence into the LUT. When displaying the pattern, I would like to pause the pattern in between for a few seconds, and then continue the pattern sequence. But I have two issues regarding this process:

1. While pausing, the projector immediately give a dark scene. However, I would like the current pattern to hold still. Is it possible to achieve this function?

- I am guessing that the LED goes off automatically when paused, but I have no idea how to get around this.

2. When I resume the pattern sequence, I have to wait for the current pattern to finish up its remaining exposure time before jumping to the next pattern. Is it possible to skip the current pattern and jump to the next one?

- According to the DLPC350 Programmer Guide, TRIG_OUT_2 indicates the start of a pattern. I am wondering if I can manually set it to 1 so that I can force the next pattern to show up. The only section I found related to TRIG_OUT_2 is section However, this control requires stopping and re-validating of the pattern sequence. Re-validation means LED must be off and thus doesn't fit my need in issue 1.

FYI, I am using Pattern Sequence Mode with pattern from flash memory, using Trigger Mode 1.

Thank you,

Jeff Leung

  • Hi Jeff,
    What hardware are you using? Is it TI DLP4500 Lightcrafter EVM? How are you driving the system? Are you using lightcfrater GUI?

  • Hello Vivek,

    Thanks for your reply. I am using DLP4500. I tested my idea via the GUI and a python library on Github.

  • Hi Jeff,
    Thank you for your patience.
    Issue -1 While pausing, the projector immediately give a dark scene. However, I would like the current pattern to hold still. Is it possible to achieve this function?

    The patterns are generated by modulating both DMD mirror and LEDs. The DMD mirrors are reset at the end of pattern and they are not designed to left in On/Off position for long period (unspecified period).

    If you have to keep the last pattern being display then, the best option is build ti control in your system keep sending the last pattern repeatedly.

    Issue 2- 2. When I resume the pattern sequence, I have to wait for the current pattern to finish up its remaining exposure time before jumping to the next pattern. Is it possible to skip the current pattern and jump to the next one?

    Is this question applicable or relevant given answer for first question.

  • Dear Vivek,

    Thank you for your reply. I have some follow questions regarding your reply.

    Issue 1.

    I notice that there is a 'clear DMD after exposure' checkbox in the GUI. Is this checkbox relevant to the DMD reset you mentioned? When this one is unchecked (Don't clear DMD after exposure), the pattern will still goes off upon pausing. Does that mean this option is only applicable for continuous display of pattern sequence? 

    Meanwhile, by 'sending the last pattern repeatedly', is this achievable with the use of pattern sequence LUT? So far I can only define a LUT, and display patterns according to the order of sequence. However, I didn't find anywhere on the programmer guide to display a specific pattern from a pre-defined LUT. Is there a section I can refer to on the programmer guide?

    I think of redefining the LUT for each single pattern, setting the pattern to repeat itself, and validating the pattern sequence each time. But this doesn't sound like a good move because validating the sequence is slow and it needs to switch off the system for validation. What it leaves behind is very unpleasant flash (LED on and off) when a new pattern is defined and displayed.

    Issue 2

    Yes, this issue is relevant to issue 1. If I can ask the projector to display a particular pattern from LUT, or redefine the LUT for each single pattern, then this will no longer be a problem. I prefer using the former solution but I cannot find relevant section from the programmer guide that describes how this can be achieved. In addition, I think the action 'jumping to the next pattern' should be relevant to the use of triggers. From the programmer guide, there are four trigger controls: Trigger Out1, Trigger Out2, Trigger In1 and Trigger In2. It seems that these four controls define only the triggering mode (rising/falling edge), but not defining the trigger itself. And they requires validation of pattern sequence whenever they are called. It there anyway for me to directly define the triggers 1/0 status?

    If the latter solution is the only solution, then this thread should be solved. 

    Thank you and looking forward to your reply!

    Best regards,

    Jeff Leung

  • Hi Jeff,
    We will run some experiments and try to explore best possible solution. Meanwhile, Could you please share what problem you trying to solve and why you want to do that (issue 1 &2).
    This will open up the options for potential solution if we understand the problem you are trying to address.

  • Dear Vivek,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am working on a 3D reconstruction project at which I use DLP4500 to project a series of structured light, and two cameras to capture images. The cameras I am using are raspberry pi cameras. Image capture command is sent through terminal. Therefore, I would like to synchronize the cameras and projector via pure coding. My basic idea is to conduct the image acquisition process in a 'if-then' manner. The workflow is like this:

    1. Check whether the cameras have finished up capturing image, and set a flag = 1 upon completion.
    2. When the condition flag = 1 is fulfilled, ask the projector to advance to the next pattern.
    3. Repeat until all patterns are displayed and captured.

    In this way, I can wrap the entire image acquisition process in a simple loop. To sum up, the two major difficulties are having the pattern to hold still until it is asked to advance, and controlling the projector to advance by sending signal via the USB port.

    Thank you very much. Your help is highly appreciated.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Leung
  • Hi Jeff,
    Thank you for your patience.

    I would like make minor correction in your observation -" In Trigger Mode 1", when a Trigger_IN_2 is lowered to pause, the controller completes the current pattern being displayed and after that it goes dark. When Trigger_IN_2 is raised, it repeats the previous pattern because exposure was not complete. You are observing that behavior. Please refer to figure 2.10 (page 41) of DLPC350 programmer guide

    You can force the LED to be always ON by selecting "manual button" in the LED selection section of the GUI. This will keep LED ON but it limits only to monochrome pattern. Hope that should not be an issue in your application.

    The "clear DMD after exposure" clears the DMD after exposure is complete or paused. If it is unchecked then DMD mirrors are left in the state of last bit plane.
    If you kept the LED in manual mode then projector will continue to display the last bit plane not complete pattern.

    This approach will allow you to keep LED ON during pause and display the last bit pattern. The repeat of last incomplete pattern is as per pause operation definition and can not be changed.

    Hope this helps.

  • Dear Vivek,

    Thanks for your reply. I have tested your solution using DLPLCR4500 GUI 3.1.0, and my firmware version is 3.0.0.

    When testing, I observe that when pattern sequence are paused, LEDs are indeed switched off. Then I change the LED setting to manual, the LED goes on (before I see no light through the lens but now there is blue light), but no pattern is displayed. If the LED is on, it seems like the DMD is not in position. I have tried checking and unchecking the "clear DMD after exposure", both did not show any pattern.

    Below are the setting in GUI:
    1. Pattern Sequence Mode, Pattern Source from Flash, Internal /External Trigger
    2. Individual Pattern Setting: Blue Light, Internal Trigger
    3. Bit plane selection: Flash index = 0, bit-depth = 1
    4. Clear DMD after exposure (both checked and unchecked cases are tested)
    5. Pattern Sequence: R0 R1 R2, repeat mode

    Initially LED Driver Control is set to automatic. Once pattern is paused, I switch it to mannual with Blue LED on. I can obviously see the LED goes on, but no pattern is displayed. I am now considering using the external output from DLP to send a signal back to computer, and further control the camera for image acquisition. In that case I don't need to pause and hold still the pattern in between. I will let you know if it works.


  • Hi Jeff,
    Thanks you. We will wait for your update.
  • Hi Jeff,
    Any update? Do you still need assistance with this subject?
  • Hi Jeff,
    I hope this issue has been resolved. I will close this thread. Please feel free reopen by posting your question.
