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DLPNIRSCANEVM: SDK to control NIRscan with Rasberry Pi?


We would like to integrate the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM sensor into a larger architecture where the sensor would be controlled by a Rasberry Pi.  Is there a SDK available for this product that would enable this functionality? For example, the Rasberry Pi would issue a 'scan' command and the spectral absorption data would be sent back to the Rasberry Pi... Thanks!

  • Hi Andy,
    Welcome to DLP forum and thank you for your interest in DLP technology.

    There is no SDK from TI with Raspberry PI and DLP NIR Scan nono EVM. However, you can assemble one using off the self components.

    Some of our customers have successfully built a system using off-the-self Raspberry pi card and connected to DLP NIR Scan nano EVM using USB port.
  • Vivek,
    If we were to do this, could we command the sensor from the Rasberry Pi and receive spectral absorption data in strictly numeric, or vector form back from the sensor?

    Also, if you have any additional information related to the aforementioned Rasberry Pi implementations please let me know. Thanks!
  • Hi Andy,
    Please refers to " section 5 - DLP NIRscan Nano Software" of the "DLP® NIRscan™ Nano EVM User's Guide" for details of the software implementation.

    The data communication between client (Raspberry pi) and EVM will be data structure as supported by the spectrum library.
    You will use the functions supported in Spectrum library to interpret the scan data. Please also review the Appendix H "DLP NIRscan Nano USB Communications" of the EVM user for detail on USB command and structure. You can use GUI source as reference to build your implementation.

    Raspberry Pi implementation - It was a customer implementation and I donot have details.

  • Hi Vivek,
    I assume since we will be using USB commands through the spectrum library, the communication with the NLP NIRscan Nano EVM will be agnostic to which OS we are using. Is that the case? If not, which OS are supported?
  • Hi Andy,
    You can cross compile for any platform and OS. The EVM is completely agnostic to client side.
    TI tested the firmware on windows platform and our supported is limited to Windows platform only.

  • Thanks Vivek. 
