Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP3010, DLPC3478, DLPA3000
I have 21 BMP files (1280*720, 8bit, Vertical Pattern) stored in my PC, and put them in the GUI to define 4 Pattern Sets. I need all the patterns to be stored in the Flash IC on my board, which contain DLP3010+DLPC3478+DLPA3000.
I failed much times when I programmed the Flash. On the Event Viewer of the Debug Tab, It says ”Failed to program pattern data. Package size exceeds the size allocated in flash.” However, I didn’t failed all the time. I succeed about 3 times after trying 100 times.
The functions on the Pattern Control page are normally, which means that I can display and control the patterns stored in Flash IC.
Can you give me some tips on these problem?