Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP4710
we want to to use the DLP4710 for 1D Pattern, however we are not able to use or to operate the internal pattern option in the standart gui. We alwas get a result, which has has nothing in commen with the input pattern, it isn't even a 1D result. Can you help us here? Are there common misstakes?
In addition to this we can not display splash images with the advanced GUI. The resulst are always the test pattern shown befor and some additional patterns. The additional patterns are different for each splash image, but stay the same when repeatet with the same image. The additional pattern uses the same colour as the splash image, but can't be recognized as the splash image by me or my teammates.
After 2-4 attemps the image of the projector turns black and doesn't react to any input from the GUI. It can't be restartet using the on and off button.
I hope that my description is understandable.