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Hello TI Team,
I have got a question from our customer about the Pattern Ready signal of DLPC3479.
Would you please check this question and give any comment?
They are using the Trigger-in mode and if they keep displaying the pattern, they sometimes see the problem that the pattern displaying stops and the pattern ready signal is still low (active high) and it is not going high. (In the normal operation, PATTERN_READY becomes Low for 5ms and return to High.)
Operation Mode:Internal Pattern Streaming Mode
Trigger Out: Both 1 and 2 are Enable
Pattern Order: 8 order (Num of Disp:1)
Internal Pattern Control:Start with Repeat indefinitely
They checked that the PATTER_READY is High in the configuration above. Then, they are sending the trigger and display the pattern form their external MCU. Exposure time is 4.16ms and minimum period is 18ms.
On this procedure, if they keep running to display the pattern, they sometimes see the problem that the pattern displaying stops.
The time that the pattern displaying stops is some variation (from 10 minutes to 30 hours).
They do not know the reason why the pattern displaying stops.
If they display the last pattern, the PATTERN_READY becomes Low and it is keeping Low.
Internal Pattern Status is also 0 (Not Ready). If they send the Internal Pattern Control or external trigger signal, the phenomenon is not changed.
If they turn off the PROJ_ON signal and then, turn on it, it is going back to the normal operation.
If you know the reason why the PATTERN_READY signal is still low, would you please tell us the reason or give any comment?
[Their additional request]
They think it may be related with the communication between SPI flash and DLPC3479.
They took a normal waveform of SPI communication between Flash and DLPC3479 while pattern data is read from SPI flash.
They think the timing requirement is matched to the datasheet specification. But they want you to check this waveform and want you to have a comment whether there is any problem or not.
Thank you very much for your comment.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
A couple initial questions from me on this issue:
> What MCU is being used to drive the DLPC3479 system?
> Is this using a DLP EVM or a custom board design?
> When the system enters a failure state, is any activity going on in the system (on either the MCU or DLP side)? Does the whole system stay idle for the entire 30 hours? Or is activity occuring?
> If this is a custom board design, what SPI flash part is being used?
Philippe Dollo
Thank you for your comment.
I am asking your questions to the customer, but I have not got it, yet.
So, please let me answer partially below.
> What MCU is being used to drive the DLPC3479 system?
[Answer] Please wait for the feedback from the customer.
> Is this using a DLP EVM or a custom board design?
[Answer] This is happening on their custom board.
> When the system enters a failure state, is any activity going on in the system (on either the MCU or DLP side)? Does the whole system stay idle for the entire 30 hours? Or is activity occuring?
[Answer] I think that the entire system is working correctly when this problem happens. This problem happens after the system worked correctly for 30 hours and they sometimes see this problem after they keep displaying for only 10minutes. But I need to check.
> If this is a custom board design, what SPI flash part is being used?
[Answer] Please wait for the feedback from the customer.
Anyway, if I get a feedback from the customer, I will let you know again.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thank you for your feedback. Please keep us informed on the same.
Philippe Dollo
I got some additional information from the customer. Please see below and if you have any advice or comment, it would be helpful.
> What MCU is being used to drive the DLPC3479 system?
[Answer] It is RX631(R5F5631EDDLJ) by Renesas.
> Is this using a DLP EVM or a custom board design?
[Answer] This is happening on their custom board.
> When the system enters a failure state, is any activity going on in the system (on either the MCU or DLP side)? Does the whole system stay idle for the entire 30 hours? Or is activity occurring?
[Answer] They are saying that they can be displaying the pattern just before entering a failure state.
In the failure state, the system itself is working normally, the pattern displaying is just stopping on the DLP side.
If they keep displaying the pattern repeatedly, the pattern display sometime stops after 10minues, sometimes stops after 30 hours.
The time until the pattern displaying stops (PATTERN_READY is still Low) is various.
- MCU(RX631) is normal status.
- DLPC3479 can be communicate with MCU by I2C.
- They do not know the status of DLPA3005 because MCU cannot communicate with DLPA3005 at this time.
- After the pattern displaying stops, even if they set “0h:Start”, “1h:Stop” or “5h:Reset” by Internal Pattern Control(9Eh), the phenomenon is not changed (PATTERN_READY is still Low).
- After the pattern displaying stops, if they turn on/off PROJ_ON, it becomes recovered.
- After the pattern displaying stops, they can get the status information of DLPC3479 by communication between MCU and DLPC.
Please see the attached file of this DLPC3479 status information. It looks Invalid command error is 1:Error, but there is no error other than this.
> If this is a custom board design, what SPI flash part is being used?
[Answer] It is W25Q64JVSSIQ by Winbond.
Read Internal Pattern Status (9Fh) "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Pattern Ready Status [1=Pattern ready] = 0x00" "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Pattern Order Table Entries = 8" "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Current Pattern Order Table Entry Index = 1" "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Current Pattern Set Index = 9" "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Number of Patterns in the current Pattern Set = 1" "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Number of Patterns displayed from current Pattern Set = 0" "DLPC Read Internal Pattern Status","Next Pattern Set Index = 10" Read Short Status (D0h) "DlpcStatus","----------Short Status----------" "DlpcStatus","SystemInitialization =1:Complete" "DlpcStatus","CommunicationError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","SystemError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","FlashEraseComplete =0:Complete" "DlpcStatus","FlashError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","LightControlSqError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Application =1:Main" Read System Status (D1h) "DlpcStatus","----------Light Control and DMD interface status----------" "DlpcStatus","DmdDeviceError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","DmdInterfaceError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","LightControlError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","----------LED status----------" "DlpcStatus","RedLedState =1:On" "DlpcStatus","GreenLedState =0:Off" "DlpcStatus","BlueLedState =0:Off" "DlpcStatus","RedLedError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","GreenLedError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","BlueLedError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","----------Internal interrupt status----------" "DlpcStatus","SequenceAbortError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","SequenceError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","DcPowerSupply =0:Supply voltage OK" "DlpcStatus","Reserved3 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved4 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved5 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved6 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved7 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","----------Miscellaneous status----------" "DlpcStatus","Reserved0 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved1 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","ControllerConfiguration =1:Dual" "DlpcStatus","Operation =0:Master" "DlpcStatus","ProductConfigurationError=0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","WatchdogTimerTimeout =0:No Tiomeout" "DlpcStatus","Reserved6 =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved7 =0:No Error" Read Communication Status (D3h) "DlpcStatus","----------I2C Communication status----------" "DlpcStatus","InvalidCommandError =1:Error" "DlpcStatus","InvalidCommandPrmValue =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","CommandProcessingError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","FlashBatchFileError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","ReadCommandError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","InvalidNumberOfCommandPrm=0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","I2cBusTimeoutError =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","Reserved =0:No Error" "DlpcStatus","AbortCmd=0x00" "DlpcStatus","----------------------------------------"
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thank you for this information.
We will look it over and respond by the end of the week.
Thank you for your comment.
We will wait for your feedback.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Kindly ask the customer to answer the following questions :
1. What is the Firmware version that they are using? If it is an older firmware version (not v8.1.0), kindly ask them to check the system behavior on the latest version as well.
2. If the problem also seems to appear on firmware version v8.1.0, please ask them to check the behavior on the EVM also.
3. Please ask them to log the status information more than 1 time, and check if they are still getting Invalid Command Error or not.
Hello Mayank-san,
Thank you for the answer.
Please let me add my comment below before asking to the customer.
>1. What is the Firmware version that they are using? If it is an older firmware version (not v8.1.0), kindly ask them to check the system behavior on the latest version as well.
I need to check their firmware version but their DMD is DLP4710A (not DLP4710LC). If V8.1.0 cannot work with DLP4710A, I do not think they can try the working with the latest version, V8.1.0. What do you think about this?
>2. If the problem also seems to appear on firmware version v8.1.0, please ask them to check the behavior on the EVM also.
I will ask them to try the same thing on the EVM.
>3. Please ask them to log the status information more than 1 time, and check if they are still getting Invalid Command Error or not.
I will ask them to try to log the status information more than 1 time.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thanks for the quick feedback.
I need to check their firmware version but their DMD is DLP4710A (not DLP4710LC). If V8.1.0 cannot work with DLP4710A, I do not think they can try the working with the latest version, V8.1.0. What do you think about this?
<Mayank> Yes, v8.1.0 will not work with their systems. Still, please let us know the firmware version that they are using. Also, ask them to see the behavior on the EVM with this firmware version.
Hello Mayank-san,
I asked your questions to the customer and got answers partially.
>1. What is the Firmware version that they are using? If it is an older firmware version (not v8.1.0), kindly ask them to check the system behavior on the latest version as well.
They are seeing this error with the following two versions;
>2. If the problem also seems to appear on firmware version v8.1.0, please ask them to check the behavior on the EVM also.
I am sorry, but they are saying that it is difficult for them to try to reproduce this problem with TI EVM.
>3. Please ask them to log the status information more than 1 time, and check if they are still getting Invalid Command Error or not.
They need some time to reproduce this error. So, if they create the problem and took the status logs, they will let us know. So, please wait for their next feedback.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thanks for your update. Once you have more information from the customer please let us know on the same.
Philippe Dollo
Hello Mayank-san, Philippe-san,
I got an information for your request#3 and an additional information.
Please see below and if you have any comment, it would be helpful for us.
>3. Please ask them to log the status information more than 1 time, and check if they are still getting Invalid Command Error or not.
They could reproduce this phenomenon and they checked the status information multiple times. But they are still getting Invalid Commend Error.
[Additional Information]
When they see this problem, they checked the waveform that DLPC3479 is accessing to SPI Flash.
As a result, they are seeing two cases. One is that Master side cannot access to the flash and the other is that Slave side cannot access to the flash (They are seeing two kinds of phenomenon on the same system).
If the problem occurs on the Master side, they could not check the status by I2C command after the problem happened. (They do not know where this problem is happening because they cannot get a response from their external controller board.)
Regarding the condition of #3 above (They could get the status information by I2C), it is the information when the problem happens on the Slave side.
It would be helpful if you can give any advice.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Hello Mayank-san and Philippe-san,
I have got an additional information from the customer.
They could check the working with DLPC4710+ V8.1.0 FW (Your latest condition) and they are seeing the same phenomenon.
Thus, they want you to make clear why this problem happens as soon as possible.
I got some information about their configuration of DLPC3479.
Trigger Input configuration [Write Trigger In Configuration (90h)]
Polarity=1:Active High / Enable=1:Enable
Trigger Output configuration[Write Trigger Out Configuration (92h)]
Trigger OUT 1 : Trigger Inversion=0:Not Inverted / Trigger Enable=0:Disable / Delay=0us
Trigger OUT 2 : Trigger Inversion=0:Not Inverted / Trigger Enable=1:Enable / Delay=0us
Pattern Ready Signal configuration[Write Pattern Ready Configuration (94h)]
Trigger Inversion=1:Inverted / Enable=1:Enable
Configured to Internal Pattern mode [Write Operating Mode Select (05h)]
04h Light Control - Internal Pattern Streaming Mode
Write Pattern Order Table Entry (98h) Byte1=1h -> 1 time
Write Pattern Order Table Entry (98h) Byte1=0h -> 7 times
They are seeing 3 types of problem like above.
If they set Write Internal Pattern Control (9Eh) Byte1=0h Byte2=FFh,
bit0 becomes Invalid Command Error=1:Error. And then,
If they set Write Internal Pattern Control (9Eh) Byte1=0h Byte2=00h,
bit0:Invalid Command Error=0:NoError.
Currently, in order to detect the Pattern Ready signal, they are setting “Write Internal Pattern Control (9Eh) Byte1=0h Byte2=FFh”.
That is all for their additional information. If you can give any advices for this problem, it would be helpful.
Thank you very much for your support.
Best Regards.
Nobu Arai
Thanks for the detailed update. Kindly give me some time to look into this issue, I will get back to you with my findings before the end of 10/23/20.
Thank you for your comment.
We will wait for your feedback.
If you have any information that the customer should provide to you, please let us know.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Yes, will get back to you within a day if I need any more information.
I have one request for you -
Can you please ask the customer to display similar patterns using the free running mode of DLPC3479 instead of Trigger_In mode. It will help us narrow down the issue as to whether it is related to the internal pattern mode itself or only the trigger_in mode.
Also, I expect the issue will take a bit more time to get resolved as it is hard to reproduce the issue on the EVM. I have tried reproducing it once but was not able to do it. Will soon try to do it again to see if I missed anything.
Thank you for your feedback.
I understand that you have tried to reproduce this issue on the EVM but you have not been able to reproduce, yet.
In our side, not only customer but also I can reproduce the issue on EVM. It may take some time to reproduce the issue (for example a few hours). So, it would be helpful if you can continue to try the experiment.
Regarding the free run mode, I will try it and will let you know the result.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
I checked the working with Free-run mode without Trigger-in Mode. However, I could not see same problem on the EVM. So, it would be helpful if you can reproduce the issue with Trigger In mode by inputting the external trigger pulse.
If you have any question about the experiment, please let us know.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thanks for the update. I will continue my investigation and try to reproduce it over the weekend. Will give you an update on Monday.
If you have any update on this, it would be helpful.
We would like to know whether you keep trying to reproduce the problem on the EVM or you are checking your firmware code.
Anyway, it would be helpful if you can tell us the status for this issue.
Thank you very much for your support.
Nobu Arai
Thank you for your patience. Our team has been looking into this.
Please expect an reply from us by the end of the week.
Thank you for your comment.
I understand your situation. I will wait for your feedback.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
I couldn't reproduce the issue at my end on the EVM but one of our team member was able to do so.
Can you confirm that this issue is reported by Yamaha? If yes, then we have made significant progress. We are trying to figure out the cause behind it. I will keep you updated regarding the same.
Yes. This issue is reported from Yamaha. I think you are also talking about this internally with TIJ, Honzawa-san.
It is good to know you have some progress for this issue. We will wait for your next update.
Thank you very much for your working.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thanks for the confirmation. We are working to get to the root cause of the issue and get it fixed. I will update you with my findings by Wednesday.
Hello Mayank-san,
Thank you for your supporting this issue.
If you have any update on your side, would you please give any information?
We had a meeting with TIJ and customer. But we heard that you need more time to provide the solution.
If it is possible for you, we would like to have some test firmware so that our customer can try it.
It would be helpful if you can consider to provide it and would give us any advices.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Hello Arai-san,
This is holiday week and team will get back with feedback by middle of next week.
Thank you for your comment.
I understood your situation. We will wait for your next feedback in the middle of this week.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
I will try to provide you a test firmware within a couple of days. We appreciate your patience.
I am sorry for asking you again but it would be helpful if you can update the status of the test firmware for the customer.
Thank you very much for your supporting.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Kindly do not apologize before asking for updates.
Please provide your email ID that is linked to myTI account. I will share the firmware to you by tomorrow.
Thanks and regards,
Thank you very much for your response.
I will send you an email and let me share the firmware separately.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thanks for the immediate response, the firmware will be shared to you by tomorrow.
Hello Mayank-san,
I sent you the friend request last Friday. Would you please check it?
If you can share the test firmware for the customer, it would be helpful.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thanks for your patience. I'll let Mayank know to respond to your query.
Best Regards,
Philippe Dollo
Thank you for following up. We got a test firmware from Mayank-san.
Thank you for providing the test firmware. I tried this with our EVM but the problem was reproduced.
I tried to keep running about 4-5 hours. After that, I checked the exposure is stopped.
After the problem occurred, I could check the status by I2C command and the value of status registers is like below;
Read Internal Pattern Status (9Fh)
Byte 1(Pattern Ready Status) Pattern not ready
Byte 2(NumPatOrderTableEntries) 8
Byte 3(CurrentPatOrderEntryIndex) 0
Byte 4(CurrentPatSetIndex) 0
Byte 5(NumPatInCurrentPatSet) 1
Byte 6(NumPatDisplayedFromPatSet) 0
Byte 7(NextPatSetIndex) 1
Would you please check your firmware again?
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
I will look into this and will get back to you by early next week.
Thank you for your supporting this issue.
If you have any update on this, would you please share the status of your working?
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
The team is still looking into this issue and will be working on it as a priority item.
But kindly expect some delay due to the year end holidays. I will keep you posted as soon as we are able to figure out the root cause behind this issue.
Thank you for your update. I understand that you are working on this issue as a priority item.
If you could update the status repeatedly, it would be helpful for us.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Is it possible to provide an updated information about this issue?
We will have a meeting with the customer in the evening tomorrow in Japan time. Any information would be helpful for us.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
This is holiday period for the team and we are not able to support you with the requested information.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your comment.
I understand that your team is on vacation this week.
We will wait for the updated information next week from Mayank-san.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Thank you for your patience. We will respond back here on the same.
Philippe Dollo
We would like to know the status for this issue. If you have any update, it would be helpful for us.
Is there any possibility that you could prepare the enhanced test firmware for the customer?
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai
Me and Honzawa-san are working on this issue.
I was not able to reproduce the issue yet.
I have set up an experiment on the EVM, I will keep it running for a day or 2 and see if I am able to reproduce it.
If not, then we will reach out to you via email to discuss more about what can be done next.
Kindly expect a response from either me or Honzawa-san by Monday.
Thank you for your comment. I understand that you and Honzawa-san are working on this issue.
I appreciate for your effort and I will wait for your feedback next week.
Best Regards,
Nobu Arai