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When I use DLPDLC-GUI to switch the splash image to another one, it works well. However, the image will have some problems (image overlap) , if I use DLPC-API-1.7 to switch the splash image.
The right image (GUI) and problem image (API) are shown below
and my program is
void main()
bool Status = CYPRESS_I2C_RequestI2CBusAccess();
if (Status != true)
printf("Error Request I2C Bus ACCESS!!!");
DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteRgbLedCurrent(0x78, 0x78, 0x78);
DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteInputImageSize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT);
DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteDisplaySize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT);
program file is below
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (c) 2019 Texas Instruments Incorporated - *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * \brief Sample code for generating internal pattern data and communicating * with the DLPC4710-LC EVMs. */ #include "dlpc_common.h" #include "dlpc34xx_dual.h" #include "dlpc347x_internal_patterns.h" #include "cypress_i2c.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" #include "time.h" #define MAX_WIDTH DLP3010_WIDTH #define MAX_HEIGHT DLP3010_HEIGHT #define NUM_PATTERN_SETS 4 #define NUM_PATTERN_ORDER_TABLE_ENTRIES 4 #define NUM_ONE_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS 4 #define NUM_EIGHT_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS 4 #define NUM_ONE_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS 4 #define NUM_EIGHT_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS 4 #define TOTAL_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS (NUM_ONE_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS + NUM_EIGHT_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS) #define TOTAL_VERTICAL_PATTERNS (NUM_ONE_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS + NUM_EIGHT_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS) #define FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE 1024 #define FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SIZE 256 #define MAX_WRITE_CMD_PAYLOAD (FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE + 8) #define MAX_READ_CMD_PAYLOAD (FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SIZE + 8) static uint8_t s_HorizontalPatternData[TOTAL_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS][MAX_HEIGHT]; static uint8_t s_VerticalPatternData[TOTAL_VERTICAL_PATTERNS][MAX_WIDTH]; static DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternData_s s_Patterns[TOTAL_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS + TOTAL_VERTICAL_PATTERNS]; static DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternSet_s s_PatternSets[NUM_PATTERN_SETS]; static DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternOrderTableEntry_s s_PatternOrderTable[NUM_PATTERN_ORDER_TABLE_ENTRIES]; static uint8_t s_WriteBuffer[MAX_WRITE_CMD_PAYLOAD]; static uint8_t s_ReadBuffer[MAX_READ_CMD_PAYLOAD]; static bool s_StartProgramming; static uint8_t s_FlashProgramBuffer[FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE]; static uint16_t s_FlashProgramBufferPtr; static FILE* s_FilePointer; /** * Implement the I2C write transaction here. The sample code here sends * data to the controller via the Cypress USB-Serial adapter. */ uint32_t WriteI2C(uint16_t WriteDataLength, uint8_t* WriteData, DLPC_COMMON_CommandProtocolData_s* ProtocolData) { bool Status = true; Status = CYPRESS_I2C_WriteI2C(WriteDataLength, WriteData); if (Status != true) { //printf("Write I2C Error!!! \n"); return FAIL; } return SUCCESS; } /** * Implement the I2C write/read transaction here. The sample code here * receives data from the controller via the Cypress USB-Serial adapter. */ uint32_t ReadI2C(uint16_t WriteDataLength, uint8_t* WriteData, uint16_t ReadDataLength, uint8_t* ReadData, DLPC_COMMON_CommandProtocolData_s* ProtocolData) { bool Status = 0; Status = CYPRESS_I2C_WriteI2C(WriteDataLength, WriteData); if (Status != true) { //printf("Write I2C Error!!! \n"); return FAIL; } Status = CYPRESS_I2C_ReadI2C(ReadDataLength, ReadData); if (Status != true) { //printf("Read I2C Error!!! \n"); return FAIL; } return SUCCESS; } /** * Initialize the command layer by setting up the read/write buffers and * callbacks. */ void InitConnectionAndCommandLayer() { DLPC_COMMON_InitCommandLibrary(s_WriteBuffer, sizeof(s_WriteBuffer), s_ReadBuffer, sizeof(s_ReadBuffer), WriteI2C, ReadI2C); CYPRESS_I2C_ConnectToCyI2C(); } void WaitForSeconds(uint32_t Seconds) { uint32_t retTime = (uint32_t)(time(0)) + Seconds; // Get finishing time. while (time(0) < retTime); // Loop until it arrives. } /** * A sample function that generates a 1-bit (binary) 1-D pattern * The function fills the byte array Data. Each byte in the in array corresponds * to a pixel. For a 1-bit pattern the value of each byte should be 1 or 0. */ void PopulateOneBitPatternData(uint16_t Length, uint8_t* Data, uint16_t NumBars) { uint16_t PixelPos = 0; uint16_t BarPos = 0; uint16_t BarWidth = Length / NumBars; uint8_t PixelData = 0; for (; PixelPos < Length; PixelPos++) { Data[PixelPos] = PixelData; BarPos++; if (BarPos >= BarWidth) { BarPos = 0; PixelData = (PixelData == 0 ? 1 : 0); } } } /** * A sample function that generates an 8-bit (gray scale) 1-D pattern * The function fills the byte array Data. Each byte in the in array corresponds * to a pixel. For an 8-bit pattern the value of each byte can be 0 - 255. */ void PopulateEightBitPatternData(uint16_t Length, uint8_t* Data, uint16_t NumBars) { uint16_t PixelPos = 0; uint16_t BarPos = 0; uint16_t BarWidth = Length / (2 * NumBars); uint8_t PixelData = 0; int16_t PixelDataInc = (int16_t)ceil(255.0 / BarWidth); for (; PixelPos < Length; PixelPos++) { Data[PixelPos] = PixelData; BarPos++; if (BarPos >= BarWidth) { BarPos = 0; PixelDataInc = -PixelDataInc; } PixelData = (uint8_t)(PixelData + PixelDataInc); } } /** * Populates an array of DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternSet_s */ void PopulatePatternSetData(uint16_t DMDWidth, uint16_t DMDHeight) { uint8_t HorzPatternIdx = 0; uint8_t VertPatternIdx = 0; uint8_t PatternIdx = 0; uint8_t PatternSetIdx = 0; uint8_t Index; uint16_t NumBars; DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternSet_s* PatternSet; /* Create a 1-bit (binary) Horizontal Pattern Set */ PatternSet = &s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++]; PatternSet->BitDepth = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_BITDEPTH_ONE; PatternSet->Direction = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL; PatternSet->PatternCount = NUM_ONE_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS; PatternSet->PatternArray = &s_Patterns[PatternIdx]; for (Index = 0; Index < NUM_ONE_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS; Index++) { NumBars = 2 * (Index + 1); PopulateOneBitPatternData(DMDHeight, s_HorizontalPatternData[HorzPatternIdx], NumBars); s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArray = s_HorizontalPatternData[HorzPatternIdx]; s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArrayCount = DMDHeight; PatternIdx++; HorzPatternIdx++; } /* Create a 1-bit (binary) Vertical Pattern Set */ PatternSet = &s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++]; PatternSet->BitDepth = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_BITDEPTH_ONE; PatternSet->Direction = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_DIRECTION_VERTICAL; PatternSet->PatternCount = NUM_ONE_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS; PatternSet->PatternArray = &s_Patterns[PatternIdx]; for (Index = 0; Index < NUM_ONE_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS; Index++) { NumBars = 2 * (Index + 1); PopulateOneBitPatternData(DMDWidth, s_VerticalPatternData[VertPatternIdx], NumBars); s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArray = s_VerticalPatternData[VertPatternIdx]; s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArrayCount = DMDWidth; PatternIdx++; VertPatternIdx++; } /* Create an 8-bit (grayscale) Horizontal Pattern Set */ PatternSet = &s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++]; PatternSet->BitDepth = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_BITDEPTH_EIGHT; PatternSet->Direction = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL; PatternSet->PatternCount = NUM_EIGHT_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS; PatternSet->PatternArray = &s_Patterns[PatternIdx]; for (Index = 0; Index < NUM_EIGHT_BIT_HORIZONTAL_PATTERNS; Index++) { NumBars = 2 * (Index + 1); PopulateEightBitPatternData(DMDHeight, s_HorizontalPatternData[HorzPatternIdx], NumBars); s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArray = s_HorizontalPatternData[HorzPatternIdx]; s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArrayCount = DMDHeight; PatternIdx++; HorzPatternIdx++; } /* Create an 8-bit (grayscale) Vertical Pattern Set */ PatternSet = &s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++]; PatternSet->BitDepth = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_BITDEPTH_EIGHT; PatternSet->Direction = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_DIRECTION_VERTICAL; PatternSet->PatternCount = NUM_EIGHT_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS; PatternSet->PatternArray = &s_Patterns[PatternIdx]; for (Index = 0; Index < NUM_EIGHT_BIT_VERTICAL_PATTERNS; Index++) { NumBars = 2 * (Index + 1); PopulateEightBitPatternData(DMDWidth, s_VerticalPatternData[VertPatternIdx], NumBars); s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArray = s_VerticalPatternData[VertPatternIdx]; s_Patterns[PatternIdx].PixelArrayCount = DMDWidth; PatternIdx++; VertPatternIdx++; } } /** * Populates an array of DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternOrderTableEntry_s */ void PopulatePatternTableData() { DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_PatternOrderTableEntry_s* PatternOrderTableEntry; uint32_t PatternOrderTableIdx = 0; uint32_t PatternSetIdx = 0; /* Pattern Table Entry 0 - uses Pattern Set 0 */ PatternOrderTableEntry = &s_PatternOrderTable[PatternOrderTableIdx++]; PatternOrderTableEntry->PatternSetIndex = PatternSetIdx; PatternOrderTableEntry->NumDisplayPatterns = s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++].PatternCount; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationSelect = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_ILLUMINATION_RED; PatternOrderTableEntry->InvertPatterns = false; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationTimeInMicroseconds = 5000; PatternOrderTableEntry->PreIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 250; PatternOrderTableEntry->PostIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 1000; /* Pattern Table Entry 1 - uses Pattern Set 1 */ PatternOrderTableEntry = &s_PatternOrderTable[PatternOrderTableIdx++]; PatternOrderTableEntry->PatternSetIndex = PatternSetIdx; PatternOrderTableEntry->NumDisplayPatterns = s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++].PatternCount; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationSelect = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_ILLUMINATION_GREEN; PatternOrderTableEntry->InvertPatterns = false; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationTimeInMicroseconds = 5000; PatternOrderTableEntry->PreIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 250; PatternOrderTableEntry->PostIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 1000; /* Pattern Table Entry 2 - uses Pattern Set 2 */ PatternOrderTableEntry = &s_PatternOrderTable[PatternOrderTableIdx++]; PatternOrderTableEntry->PatternSetIndex = PatternSetIdx; PatternOrderTableEntry->NumDisplayPatterns = s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++].PatternCount; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationSelect = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_ILLUMINATION_BLUE; PatternOrderTableEntry->InvertPatterns = false; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationTimeInMicroseconds = 5000; PatternOrderTableEntry->PreIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 250; PatternOrderTableEntry->PostIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 1000; /* Pattern Table Entry 3 - uses Pattern Set 3 */ PatternOrderTableEntry = &s_PatternOrderTable[PatternOrderTableIdx++]; PatternOrderTableEntry->PatternSetIndex = PatternSetIdx; PatternOrderTableEntry->NumDisplayPatterns = s_PatternSets[PatternSetIdx++].PatternCount; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationSelect = DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_ILLUMINATION_RGB; PatternOrderTableEntry->InvertPatterns = false; PatternOrderTableEntry->IlluminationTimeInMicroseconds = 11000; PatternOrderTableEntry->PreIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 250; PatternOrderTableEntry->PostIlluminationDarkTimeInMicroseconds = 1000; } void CopyDataToFlashProgramBuffer(uint8_t* Length, uint8_t** DataPtr) { while ((*Length >= 1) && (s_FlashProgramBufferPtr < sizeof(s_FlashProgramBuffer))) { s_FlashProgramBuffer[s_FlashProgramBufferPtr] = **DataPtr; s_FlashProgramBufferPtr++; (*DataPtr)++; (*Length)--; } } void ProgramFlashWithDataInBuffer(uint16_t Length) { s_FlashProgramBufferPtr = 0; if (s_StartProgramming) { s_StartProgramming = false; DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashStart(Length, s_FlashProgramBuffer); } else { DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashContinue(Length, s_FlashProgramBuffer); } } void WriteDataToFile(uint8_t Length, uint8_t* Data) { fwrite(Data, 1, Length, s_FilePointer); } void GenerateAndWritePatternDataToFile(DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_DMD_e DMD, char* FilePath) { s_FilePointer = fopen(FilePath, "wb"); /* Generate pattern data and write it to the flash. * The DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_GeneratePatternDataBlock() function will call the * WriteDataToFile() function several times while it packs sections of the * pattern data. */ DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_GeneratePatternDataBlock(DMD, NUM_PATTERN_SETS, s_PatternSets, NUM_PATTERN_ORDER_TABLE_ENTRIES, s_PatternOrderTable, WriteDataToFile); fclose(s_FilePointer); } void BufferPatternDataAndProgramToFlash(uint8_t Length, uint8_t* Data) { /* Copy data that can fit in the flash programming buffer */ CopyDataToFlashProgramBuffer(&Length, &Data); /* Write data to flash if the buffer is full */ if (s_FlashProgramBufferPtr >= sizeof(s_FlashProgramBuffer)) { ProgramFlashWithDataInBuffer((uint16_t)sizeof(s_FlashProgramBuffer)); } /* Copy remaining data (if any) to the flash programming buffer */ CopyDataToFlashProgramBuffer(&Length, &Data); } void GenerateAndProgramPatternData(DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_DMD_e DMD) { s_StartProgramming = true; s_FlashProgramBufferPtr = 0; /* Let the controller know that we're going to program pattern data */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashDataTypeSelect(DLPC34XX_DUAL_FDTS_ENTIRE_SENS_PATTERN_DATA); /* Erase the flash sectors that store pattern data */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashErase(); /* Read Short Status to make sure Erase is completed */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_ShortStatus_s ShortStatus; do { DLPC34XX_DUAL_ReadShortStatus(&ShortStatus); } while (ShortStatus.FlashEraseComplete == DLPC34XX_DUAL_FE_NOT_COMPLETE); /* To program the flash, send blocks of data of up to 1024 bytes * to the controller at a time. Repeat the process until the entire * data is programmed to the flash. * Let the controller know the size of a data block that will be * transferred at a time. */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashDataLength(sizeof(s_FlashProgramBuffer)); /* Generate pattern data and program it to the flash. * * The DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_GeneratePatternDataBlock() function calls the * BufferPatternDataAndProgramToFlash() function several times while it * generates pattern data. * * The BufferPatternDataAndProgramToFlash() function buffers data received, * programming the buffer content only when it is full. This is done in an * effort to make flash writes more efficient, overall greatly reducing the * time it takes to program the pattern data. * * After returning from the DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_GeneratePatternBlock() function, * check if there is any data left in the buffer and program it. This needs * to be done since the BufferPatternDataAndProgramToFlash() function only * programs the buffer content if full. */ DLPC34XX_INT_PAT_GeneratePatternDataBlock(DMD, NUM_PATTERN_SETS, s_PatternSets, NUM_PATTERN_ORDER_TABLE_ENTRIES, s_PatternOrderTable, BufferPatternDataAndProgramToFlash); if (s_FlashProgramBufferPtr > 0) { /* Resend the block size since it could be less than * the previously specified size */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashDataLength(s_FlashProgramBufferPtr); ProgramFlashWithDataInBuffer(s_FlashProgramBufferPtr); } } void LoadPatternOrderTableEntryfromFlash() { DLPC34XX_DUAL_PatternOrderTableEntry_s PatternOrderTableEntry; /* Reload from Flash */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WritePatternOrderTableEntry(DLPC34XX_DUAL_WC_RELOAD_FROM_FLASH, &PatternOrderTableEntry); } void LoadPatternOrderTableEntry(uint8_t PatternSetIndex) { DLPC34XX_DUAL_PatternOrderTableEntry_s PatternOrderTableEntry; /* Set PatternOrderTableEntry to select specific Pattern Set and configure settings */ PatternOrderTableEntry.PatSetIndex = 1; PatternOrderTableEntry.NumberOfPatternsToDisplay = PatternSetIndex; PatternOrderTableEntry.RedIlluminator = DLPC34XX_DUAL_IE_DISABLE; PatternOrderTableEntry.GreenIlluminator = DLPC34XX_DUAL_IE_DISABLE; PatternOrderTableEntry.BlueIlluminator = DLPC34XX_DUAL_IE_ENABLE; PatternOrderTableEntry.PatternInvertLsword = 0; PatternOrderTableEntry.PatternInvertMsword = 0; PatternOrderTableEntry.IlluminationTime = 2000; PatternOrderTableEntry.PreIlluminationDarkTime = 250; PatternOrderTableEntry.PostIlluminationDarkTime = 60; DLPC34XX_DUAL_WritePatternOrderTableEntry(DLPC34XX_DUAL_WC_START, &PatternOrderTableEntry); } void WriteTestPatternGridLines() { /* Write Input Image Size */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteInputImageSize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT); /* Write Display Size */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteDisplaySize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT); /* Write Grid Lines */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_GridLines_s GridLines; GridLines.Border = DLPC34XX_DUAL_BE_ENABLE; GridLines.BackgroundColor = DLPC34XX_DUAL_C_WHITE; GridLines.ForegroundColor = DLPC34XX_DUAL_C_RED; GridLines.HorizontalForegroundLineWidth = 0xF; GridLines.HorizontalBackgroundLineWidth = 0xF; GridLines.VerticalForegroundLineWidth = 0x1; GridLines.VerticalBackgroundLineWidth = 0x1; DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteGridLines(&GridLines); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteOperatingModeSelect(DLPC34XX_DUAL_OM_TEST_PATTERN_GENERATOR); WaitForSeconds(5); } void WriteTestPatternChessboard() { /* Write Input Image Size */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteInputImageSize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT); /* Write Display Size */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteDisplaySize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT); /* Write Chessboard */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_Checkerboard_s Chessboard; Chessboard.Border = DLPC34XX_DUAL_BE_ENABLE; Chessboard.BackgroundColor = DLPC34XX_DUAL_C_WHITE; Chessboard.ForegroundColor = DLPC34XX_DUAL_C_RED; Chessboard.HorizontalCheckerCount = 0xF; Chessboard.VerticalCheckerCount = 0xF; DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteCheckerboard(&Chessboard); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteOperatingModeSelect(DLPC34XX_DUAL_OM_TEST_PATTERN_GENERATOR); WaitForSeconds(5); } void WriteLookSelect(uint8_t LookNumber) { /* Read Current Operating Mode Selected */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_OperatingMode_e OperatingMode; DLPC34XX_DUAL_ReadOperatingModeSelect(&OperatingMode); /* Write RGB LED Current (based on Flash data) */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteRgbLedCurrent(0x03E8, 0x03E8, 0x03E8); /* Select Look */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteLookSelect(LookNumber); /* Submit Write Splash Screen Execute if in Splash Mode */ if ((OperatingMode == DLPC34XX_DUAL_OM_SPLASH_SCREEN ) || (OperatingMode == DLPC34XX_DUAL_OM_SENS_SPLASH_PATTERN)) { DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteSplashScreenExecute(); WaitForSeconds(5); } WaitForSeconds(5); } void LoadPreBuildPatternData() { /* write up to 1024 bytes of data */ uint8_t PatternDataArray[1024]; /* Pattern File assumes to be in the \build\vs2017\dlpc347x folder */ s_FilePointer = fopen("pattern_data_dual_gui.bin", "rb"); if (!s_FilePointer) { //printf("Error opening the binary file!"); return; } fseek(s_FilePointer, 0, SEEK_END); uint32_t PatternDataSize = ftell(s_FilePointer); fseek(s_FilePointer, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Select Flash Data Block and Erase the Block */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashDataTypeSelect(DLPC34XX_DUAL_FDTS_ENTIRE_SENS_PATTERN_DATA); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashErase(); /* Read Short Status to make sure Erase is completed */ DLPC34XX_DUAL_ShortStatus_s ShortStatus; do { DLPC34XX_DUAL_ReadShortStatus(&ShortStatus); } while (ShortStatus.FlashEraseComplete == DLPC34XX_DUAL_FE_NOT_COMPLETE); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashDataLength(1024); fread(PatternDataArray, sizeof(PatternDataArray), 1, s_FilePointer); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashStart(1024, PatternDataArray); int32_t BytesLeft = PatternDataSize - 1024; do { fread(PatternDataArray, sizeof(PatternDataArray), 1, s_FilePointer); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteFlashContinue(1024, PatternDataArray); BytesLeft = BytesLeft - 1024; } while (BytesLeft > 0); fclose(s_FilePointer); } void main() { InitConnectionAndCommandLayer(); bool Status = CYPRESS_I2C_RequestI2CBusAccess(); if (Status != true) { printf("Error Request I2C Bus ACCESS!!!"); return; } DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteRgbLedCurrent(0x78, 0x78, 0x78); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteInputImageSize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteDisplaySize(DLP3010_WIDTH, DLP3010_HEIGHT); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteSplashScreenSelect(0x02); DLPC34XX_DUAL_WriteSplashScreenExecute(); WaitForSeconds(3); CYPRESS_I2C_RelinquishI2CBusAccess(); }
Hello DehMing Shyu,
Welcome to TI E2E forums and thanks for showing interest in the DLP technology.
Can you please let us know the firmware version on which you are seeing such behavior?
The firmware version is 8.0.0
I think I got what the problem was. The the size of four default splash images are different.
image 0 : 1280 x 720
image 1 : 1280 x 720
image 2 : 854 x 480
image 3 : 854 x 480
if I switch image 0 to image 1, the projected image is correct. If I switch image 0 to image 2 or 3, the projected image is incorrect.
In order to avoid the problem, I change the four splash images have the same image size. The problem is solved.
By the way, I want to know how to switch the splash image with different image size by the DLPC-API ?
Good to hear that you figured out the root cause.
Write Splash Screen Select (0Dh) followed by Write Splash Execute (35h) is used to switch between Splash Images.
You can read the following commands for the case where the splash image is correctly displayed and then write the same parameters with values corresponding on the splash image you want to display.
1. Display size
2. Image Crop
3. Input Image Size